Sidney's FHO Journey - the pen is down!

It's now been 6 weeks since Sidney had FHO surgery for his hip dysplasia. I was feeling very worried and depressed a couple weeks ago, because Sid seemed to be sad and he just didn't seem to be moving well. Then last weekend, it was like he turned a corner and started bearing weight on the leg and taking some "normal" steps. Over the past week he's been moving easier and just seems, well, happier. He's got that glint in his eye again. We have three more weeks of swim therapy.

When we go on a walk (short walks, still) he either does not stop at all, or else stops very briefly. We've been able to go a little farther bit by bit. He's also gotten the confidence to get up on the sofa and on the bed. When I came home one day he got on his hind legs to jump up on me (a no-no but still I was glad to see he felt well enough to do it), and I *think* he bore weight on the leg today to pee. WooHoo!

Today I decided it was time for the Corgi Recovery Condo to come down. The pen is now safely stowed in the garage and I have a little less clutter in my living room. Yay!

Tomorrow is the big San Diego Corgi Halloween Meetup. Hoping for clear skies!

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Comment by John Wolff on November 9, 2010 at 12:44pm
We sure hope sid continues to do well.
Comment by Carole and Sophie on October 23, 2010 at 11:18am
We are so happy to hear that Sid has turned a corner in his recovery and is doing so well! You know when they can hop back up on the couch or bed - they are feeling better! It must be such a great relief for your Geri! Great job to all of you:)
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on October 23, 2010 at 8:45am
Hooray for Sidney!! And for you too Geri!! It's not easy watching our little ones go through this, not knowing exactly how and what they feel. Just be cautious. You don't want a set back now. Have fun at the Halloween Meetup!!
Comment by Bev Levy on October 23, 2010 at 8:32am
Alright for Sidney! I bet he is really glad to be able to lift his leg to pee, that seems to be really important to the macho guys!
Comment by christy fry on October 23, 2010 at 5:45am
yippee!! for sydney =) glad he's feeling better!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on October 23, 2010 at 2:27am
Sophie's mom, he's got that nice soft pale undercoat in, so his leg no longer looks like a chicken leg, thank goodness! The striking red overcoat could take months. Hehe, I wonder if I should make him a corgi size legwarmer, since the cooler weather has started.
Comment by Mickey on October 23, 2010 at 2:01am
So glad Sidney is getting back to his ole self! It's hard to see our kids unhappy. I'm glad to hear he is for all his fur to grow back...
Comment by Gail L on October 22, 2010 at 11:47pm
Oh that is the best happy for you and Sidney.
Comment by Courtney and Zoe on October 22, 2010 at 11:09pm
That's great news! I hope the rest of his recovery is speedy!
Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on October 22, 2010 at 10:35pm
im so happy to hear that!! that is such wonderful news and im glad everything is going well=)

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