Well, life started to calm down after about 8 months. I was housetrained, not so terrible timid & even tho I hadn't lost any weight, I was looking & feeling better. Then Annie took me to a place where there were strange dogs & a teacher in the middle of the room with a beautiful German Shepherd named Libby. Dev was there with Winston too. We went there once a week. Each time I went I met with the other dogs & did the things the teacher told us to do. I learned to sit, stay, come, heal, finish and walk on a leash the 'right' way.
I finished my basic obedience class with flying colors and then I took a test. My Annie & I got a picture taken for my new certificate. I was an AKC Canine Good Citizen. I had just turned 7. Afterwards a nice woman invited Winston & I out to her farm for a day practicing on an agility course. Winston loved it and ran the course all afternoon just for the joy of it. I did it twice because they made me. I loved the nice woman's pretty Boston Terriers. (The Lady said she should put a sign around my neck "Will Work for Food". She thinks its funny--hmmmph!)
There've been other adventures since then.
--There was the trip to the County Fair where everyone wanted to pet me. It was great, untill they started making loud squealing noises & shooting things. I slipped outta my collar & ran through the crowd trying to get to my truck. The Lady said I was gun shy when she caught me and after she quit laughing.
--There was the Great Escape from the yard, where me, Winston & Waldo escaped and ran to the motel. Well, the other two ran to the motel (8 blocks down a trail through the city) I got kinda sidetracked at the salon a block from the house. They knew my name because I'd visited with the Lady before. I stayed there and got treats & luv'ns until Winston's boy, Dev, found me.
--The time we ran off from the Community Garden. Winston & Waldo went back to the Garden, but I got sidetracked again. Boy did they laugh at me then--found me at a nearby business having lunch with the employees in their picnic area. Did they HAVE to say 'Boy he doesn't miss many meals, does he?'
--There was the walks to the top of Popo Agie Falls in Sinks Canyon. We took Waldo the first year I was here. He died a few months later. I had to comfort his Boy for awhile. Annie the other 2 boys were sad. He'd gotten bad sick and just couldn't stay.
--Then there was the arrival of the two other adoptees, Spudz & Duke. They had no manners at all. They were just like me when I came to the Lady's house. They had 'issues' but the big Boy loved them. He'd been missing Waldo so much. They were Pembrokes too--in my color.
Right now my Annie and I are doing intermediate dog class. The Lady is amazed at how smart I am. They laugh when I start doing wookie noises in the middle of a 'sit-stay'. They say I have an 'attitude'. I'll be the demonstration dog at the Canine Good Citizen testing in April & I will take my therapy dog test then too. I'm going to be 9 in April too--I guess I'm not too old to learn new tricks. I'm not Cadet's Snooping in the Dark anymore...that's just a name on an official piece of paper somewhere. The Lady has no 'papers' on me, but I think I much prefer being known as Snoopy. You know...I"m Annie's dog.
Hum, my girl would love to have a life of freedom...she is in a community that I fear I'd never see her if she got loose.
She gets out to Petsmart a lot, some would say it was her second home as were there enough. As per working for food I've seen or know of no dog breed that is so stomach driven. I get the angry eye when I ask for her to sit and there isn't a treat already in her mouth. Ofcourse she will perform like a little princess for everyone else, I'm gessing she has learned " Tricks=food" and it works.
As per her home life its one of constant attention, there is always someone there to play with her. Working alternate schedules has its advantages. Were going thru the " I don't like that, so I'm just not going to eat it" stage in dog foods. Yah she is demanding, what corgi isn't.
Well maybe someday the Jazzy girl will meet up with you'll, I'm sure she would love the attention and play time. More then likely would lay around the yard and swap stories about their humans is my guess.
Til then, take care. :)
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