Many thanks to those of you who offered condolences about the passing of our beloved Snoopy. Some of you may have noticed that that post ended as if I was mid thought and there was more to be written. There probably was.
As I was writing (and…
ContinueAdded by Sarah K on November 12, 2016 at 6:08pm — 5 Comments
Yesterday we lost our Snoopy. Well past age 14, he finally slowed to a stop. He collapsed in the front yard and passed away an hour later at the vets. No sickness really, just a slow down to a finish. Looking back over the last few weeks I can see there were subtle signs of a failing heart or just an old…
Added by Sarah K on July 7, 2016 at 8:35pm — 12 Comments
Snoopy will be traveling to Texas soon. He's a dog with a past and I looked up that past when I first got him. His AKC name is Cadet's Snooping in the Dark. I maintained contact with a lady who had some of his grand-dogs. I knew, we knew, that Winston was not long for this world many months ago & we know that at 13, Snoops is timing out as well. Although he's healthy as a horse right now, we know he'll leave sometime in the next few years. Anyhow, the lady with his offspring? Well....we…
ContinueAdded by Sarah K on April 20, 2015 at 12:30pm — 6 Comments
You have read Snoopy's story and soon there will be another blog post from him. He will be 13 on April 20, 2015. He's still going strong. Or slow. Not sure how to say it, but he's never moved fast & I think that won't change any time soon. We adopted him when he was 6. He's a wonderful old man.
We got our Winston in 2006 as a puppy. He was our very first Corgi. I'd always wanted one & there was a need for a…
ContinueToday our Winston passed away.
I've been remiss in not keeping up with his story.
He had a bad spell around Easter last year (2014)but pulled through after 3 weeks of tube feedings around the clock.The chronic anemia was diagnosed as Von Willibrands disease. He gained weight back and tho the hip dysplasia made it slow going, he did well through the summer & fall. His appetite came back, he spent hours in the yard playing with his cone and when snow came, he did his fair…
ContinueAdded by Sarah K on February 22, 2015 at 9:49pm — 22 Comments
We are two weeks from Winston's last dose of Rimadyl & Doxycycline, 3 days from his last Tramadol--which I've weaned him off of slowly. I added a doTerra OnGuard softgels twice a day after he felt spunky enough to take on another Corgi (Snoopy) & had acquired an abscess on his cheek. It acts as an antibiotic.
So...the update? It occurs to me I'm dosing him with 8…
ContinueSooo, in the ongoing saga of a sick is a very long post about Winston
He has had a systemic infection, severe hip displaysia...which has morphed into some level of kidney/liver failure & severe anemia. Last week we took him off all the meds with the exception of 1/2 a Tramadol morning.& evening. He no longer on Rimadyl, doxycycline, amoxicillin or clavamox of which he's been on for the last 10 varying dosages.…
Added by Sarah K on November 4, 2013 at 10:23am — 11 Comments
Well, It's been a long summer.
We waited 2 weeks after the nosebleed before attempting Winston's pre-op blood work again.
The results were not good. He was anemic. Anemic to the point of considering a transfusion. His BUN was down to 56 from 78 which was some improvement. However, he was now needing Tramadol twice a day, Rimadyl once a day & an essential oil mix for pain…
ContinueAdded by Sarah K on September 6, 2013 at 7:37pm — 6 Comments
Added by Sarah K on August 2, 2013 at 11:30am — 2 Comments
Well, life started to calm down after about 8 months. I was housetrained, not so terrible timid & even tho I hadn't lost any weight, I was looking & feeling better. Then Annie took me to a place where there were strange dogs & a teacher in the middle of the room with a beautiful German Shepherd named Libby. Dev was there with Winston too. We went there once a week. Each time I went I met with the other dogs & did the things the teacher told us to do. I learned to sit, stay,…
ContinueAdded by Sarah K on March 1, 2011 at 9:21pm — 4 Comments
Hi, I'm Snoopy.
My real name is Cadet's Snooping in the Dark, out of Princess Furgy by CH Sleeping Cadet Willie. I was an AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I was born at Whimsy Corgi's or so I'm told. The story is that I stayed there till I was almost 1, then I was taken away to a different place.
I don't remember much about that place. The Lady tells about it, that I was a kennel stud for the next 5 years or so. The stories she's heard are that I was taken out of my kennel only to go…
ContinueAdded by Sarah K on March 1, 2011 at 11:02am — 14 Comments
Winston's arrival home was pretty much without fanfare. All the kids are used to dogs and understand what it takes to train them. Winston was introduced to Waldo first. The laid back attitude of Waldo and sheer size seemed to impress little Win. At the time Waldo tipped the scales at 140. Waldo accepted Winston without a fuss. Raymond the Tuxedo Cat educated Winston on the perils of trying to herd cats…
ContinueAdded by Sarah K on February 15, 2011 at 2:00pm — 7 Comments
I've always wanted a Corgi. I really don't know where the desire came from but, over the years the thought that I wanted a Corgi rolled around in my brain. Off & on I would do some research into the breed-who had them, what did they act like, problems with the breed etc, but for all my 'want to', I never actually met a Corgi. That is until a series of events transpired in 2006.
Devery, my youngest son, was 11 at the time & going through some pretty rough puberty…
ContinueAdded by Sarah K on February 15, 2011 at 9:30am — 5 Comments
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