Snoopy's story continues---A teaser...

Snoopy will be traveling to Texas soon. He's a dog with a past and I looked up that past when I first got him. His AKC name is Cadet's Snooping in the Dark.  I maintained contact with a lady who had some of his grand-dogs. I knew, we knew, that Winston was not long for this world many months ago & we know that at 13, Snoops is timing out as well. Although he's healthy as a horse right now, we know he'll leave sometime in the next few years. Anyhow, the lady with his offspring? Well....we talked. A lot. 

This is Snoopy a few weeks ago on a walk in Sinks Canyon.

This is Snoopy's grand daughter Clementine.

This is also Clementine (last night)

Yep...Clementine had puppies March 22, 2015. 

This is a young fellow we think will be called Tucker. Snoopy's great grandson.

Tuck will be moving to Wyoming June 1st or thereabouts.


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Comment by Lois B. Allen on April 22, 2015 at 11:42pm

How wonderful.  Tucker is a beautiful little fellow.  Good luck.

Comment by Vicky Hay on April 21, 2015 at 11:38pm

  ooooohhhh how adorabobble!!!! Look! It's trouble on four paws! :-D

How ridiculously wonderful.  Just watch: Snoopy will live another 10 years, so you can feed two dogs forever.

Comment by susan on April 21, 2015 at 12:42pm

And Tucker is a cutie too!!!

Comment by susan on April 21, 2015 at 12:41pm

Awww.  That is great that you will be able to continue your Snoopy's story.  Big congrats!!!

Comment by Linda on April 20, 2015 at 11:04pm

First let me say Happy Birthday Snoopy!  My Max will be 13 in June and I treasure every day with him.

How wonderful that you have been able to follow Snoopy's line.  We adopted Max at age 5 and he was so special that we adopted his cousin Katie after she was retired from the show ring and had 2 litters at the age of 4.  Max is a fluffy so no line to follow but how I would love to have one of his grands/great-grands.

Comment by Anna Morelli on April 20, 2015 at 2:14pm

I can see how that would be very hard to resist! 

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