I emailed the breeder I got Tucker from and asked her to keep my in mind if she has any tri females in upcoming litters. I figured maybe 6 months down the road I'd hear from her about it - but she has one now! She had only one tri in her recent litter of 8 and of course it's a female- and she's not spoken for. She'll be ready to go in 6-7 weeks. Not sure I'm ready for another one just yet.. I feel like things are pretty perfect the way they are with my cats/dog and I am afraid of upsetting the balance we have! I think Tucker would benefit from having a corgi companion though.

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Comment by Beth on September 3, 2009 at 5:26pm
Here are some of the questions I ask myself about a winter puppy:

Would I be ok taking a puppy out at 5AM when it's dark and the sidewalks are still icy?
Would I be taking the puppy somewhere in the car every week or so to experience new places if it's snowy and the roads are bad?
In the late fall/winter, would I be able to socialize a puppy with children? With elderly people? WIth strange dogs?
Would I be able to come home every day at lunch for potty breaks all winter?

For me, the answer to all those questions is "no." For another person, the answer to the same questions might easily be "yes."
Comment by Amanda & Tuck on September 3, 2009 at 5:08pm
Yeah geez - seems like she always has what you are looking for. I called about an older male red/white and two days later I had Tucker. Orzo must be getting big now! Hope they are getting to be pals. Are you happy to have two now? If I recall it was more Vic's idea to get a second.
Comment by Carlie on September 3, 2009 at 4:58pm
p.s. remember what happened with Orzo??? We weren't expecting her to respond so quickly...but look where we are now?? think it through...then make your decision...
Comment by Derek on September 3, 2009 at 4:51pm
I would say trust your gut. If you get a dog and do not have the time for the little baby, then the expereince is going to be horrible and you will regret. As long as you are ready and committed I would say go for it. IT all depends on how prepared you are for the mid night bathroom breaks and the training.... teething .... cleaning up buddles .... (I am so glad Morgan is house trained)
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on September 3, 2009 at 1:54pm
You were thinking of wanting a tri and it just so happens the breeder has exactly what your wanting and is available. Sounds like it was meant to be. The fear your feeling is anxiety of it happening so quickly when you were expecting it be a little bit of a wait. Just like planning to have a baby..causes alot of anxiety over the what if's...if we always waited for that perfect timing we'd probably wouldnt have children. As far as the weather...its not that bad and they love the snow and it wears them out quickly when they come back into the warm house. You spend alot of one on one time with them and really it goes smoothly. I did it just last winter and it went well. Glad to see your thinking this thoroughly thru and making sure this is something you really want. It is a long life committment but one I think you will be happy with. I don't think it will hinder the balance in your home either.
Comment by Sky and Lyla on September 3, 2009 at 8:38am
The same thing happened with Lyla! I emailed the breeder knowing she only had 2-3 litters a year (1-2 each out of 2 females) and that her dogs went fast and she often had a waiting list. It just so happened that she had one female left out of a litter she currently had and she was the exact temperament I wanted. I was in the middle of moving and Sky was only 10 months old! But it was that, or wait and get in line behind the other people who already had first pick female out of future litters and then not be guaranteed the right temperament. I think I made the right decision taking Lyla! It was tough at first, Sky was still very "puppy" (and still is from time to time), but at the same time, they both had the same energy level so they wore eachother out. I felt Sky was obedient enough that he could handle having a well trained puppy around, and he has done very well. Good luck, I know it's a tough decision! As hard as it was at times moving, unpacking, and having two pups, I wouldn't trade Lyla for the world and am glad I got her!
Comment by Carlie on September 3, 2009 at 5:33am
Awwww!!! That's great that youre thinking about getting another one. From everything I've heard it's harder to bring a male into an already established female house than a female into a male house, if that makes sense. Just know..there will definitely be a transition period where the dogs may not get along (more so Tucker being pissed that you got another one). At least that's how Kiwi was. They have both gotten to the point where they can coexist. Every now and then Kiwi likes to remind Orzo that she's "top dog" but other than that, they have both been great and have developed their friendship. Let us know what you decide!!
Comment by Amanda & Tuck on September 2, 2009 at 10:43pm
Yeah the season change definitely makes it harder. I go to work later so I can do AM walks but it's still definitely more of a challenge in the cold snowy weather with shorter days.

I will have to think about it!! Tucker was 9 months when I got him - so a puppy would be a new experience.
Comment by Beth on September 2, 2009 at 10:29pm
I was also worried about upsetting the balance, but so far no such thing has happened. I love having two. The only thing I do miss a bit is the one-on-one time working with my boy; it's much harder to come by now. I do need to find an acceptable way to get one out of the way to train the other. But so far the pluses do outweigh the minuses.

One thing to consider, though, is if your schedule will allow proper socialization and housebreaking of a puppy in late fall/winter. Personally I work til 5PM which means from October til spring, we walk the dog in the dark every day. That's fine for an adult, but makes socializing a new puppy to dogs and humans a little tough. If the schedule (and getting outside frequently in winter) is not a concern, than go for it! If it's too soon, then don't be afraid to tell the breeder that you were thinking more of a spring litter. I'm sure she'd understand your reasoning.
Comment by Julia on September 2, 2009 at 10:27pm
Lilliput came to us way too early. When my soul-mate beagle was given a few months to live, I began a search just to find any corgi breeders. I knew I would need time between dogs. But my Winston was gone within a week, and a well-known breeder with long waiting lists had a puppy available. Wow. It was either too soon or a long wait. Well, given how adorable Lilli was, and how my other dog seemed lost without his buddy I went with too soon. Things just seem to happen that way. We don't always get to plan these things perfectly, and maybe we don't know what perfect is, anyway. Will things be much different for you in 6 months, will Tucker be at a much better age? Or are you just at the beginning of the decision, and not ready to seal the deal? Whichever choice you make, it will even out after a bit of time.


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