I have been thinking a lot about my attachment to mycorgi.com lately. Did you know that I check in here before I check Facebook? That I cry sometimes because a member has to say goodbye to the corgi in their life whether it is due to death or changing fortunes. I am afraid to look at some of the posts of corgis needing home because it just is so painful. I chime in on everything because I just want the poster to know that someone is listening and cares. Why does the activity here affect me so?

I think I have decided that this feels a little like family. I am sad when you are sad and I listen to your stories even when I know it will upset me. I am happy for all of the new puppies even though I sometimes wonder if the owners are ready (just like I am when some of my actual family shares that they are pregnant). I think about you as your send your dogs over the rainbow bridge because I know how much it hurts.

I have loved this connection through good and bad. My family has started to wonder that I don’t need a hobby. I asked a friend if she thought that people who own Miniature Schnauzers or Boxers have a site like this and feel the same connection. We decided that corgi owners are the ones who are a rare breed. They are full of love and never afraid to laugh at themselves. They are able to see the strength and beauty when others just see size. They are tolerant of less than perfect behavior and wild amounts of shedding. They are willing to lift someone up while they might be down themselves.

Thanks for showing up here day after day. Thank you for being willing to share your stories and your time.
Your friend,
Cindi (and Twinkie)

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Comment by Nicola Porter on October 17, 2011 at 11:07am

Like it so much this is my third comment!!!!!


Comment by Nicola Porter on October 17, 2011 at 11:05am

I have nothing to add except I agree with you and I feel EXACTLY the same way. Bravo Cindi.


Comment by Solomon & Naomi's Page on June 4, 2011 at 9:56pm
Cindi I too feel that way.  Its amazing to me that this site exists.  I wish so many times that I had of found it when I had Chloe.  I have learned so much from all of you.  I feel like I would have been a much more knowledgable corgi mom, and maybe I could have made her life a little more comfortable at the end.  I am striving to make things better for Solomon and by reading each and every post that is put on here and I too wiish that I could run and get every corgi that is homeless.  My heart aches because I just understand how you could ever give up a corgi.  I can never see myself without a corgi.  I have never met any of you but I feel so close and I Love Love Love hearing your stories. I check this site before my fb page.  I love sharing the funny little things that Solomon does, cause he is funny to me I know he is to all of you too.  My love and thanks for all the advice that you all have graciously and a huge thank you to Sam for his devotion to the corgi breed.
Comment by WhiteDove on June 4, 2011 at 9:59am
I feel our Corgi families have been joined at the hip. . . .We are a special "breed" of people that have such a strong attachment to our Fur-Babies that those who don't have Corgis just don't understand. You have to be one to know one. . . .I cried when I had to write about my Daisy but through her I have such a strong need to take care of these little critters. I too check MyCorgi.com before I even check my own website. . . .I have made so many friends and have gained so much knowledge about Corgis through this site. . .Thank you Sam for allowing us to become the family we are. . . .

Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on March 20, 2011 at 4:07pm
Wonderfully said!!!!   It is so nice to have a place to come to share stories, look at pictures, give support, ask questions and be around such a great group of corgi people.  :)  I totally enjoy this site, it is the first social network site that I have ever joined, and am so glad.  Its amazing I joined about four years ago, amazing how times flies when having fun.
Comment by G, Cierra & Munchkin on March 19, 2011 at 9:29pm
I joined when I decided to get a corgi, I came back because of the help all provided while trying to find my Munchkin, I keep coming back because of the invaluable info on this special breed. I am staying because this is the only place where we can share or joys and tears, failures and successes,  and most of all our love for our fur babies and each other. It is truly a unique place.
Comment by Roger/Laurie on March 18, 2011 at 3:51pm
So many times as I read different posts and notes from 'friends" a just smile.  I know exactly what they are taking about.  Our corgi's have so many behaviors that are the same yet they are their own little personality
Comment by Don on March 18, 2011 at 3:07am

I do believe that Corgi owners are a very loving and caring group. I'm not one to generalize when it comes down to it though. In every group your going to have typically types of people, those that are dedicated and heartfelt, those that are just passing time and the lurkers of the group that sign on and never check it except maybe critical questions or information.

I've been in many groups, general dog groups, breed specific groups, rescue groups and so on. The above follows for all groups, not just this one.

As for me, I do read all the storys, I help where I can...at times leave mornful for those whom have experienced loss, other times I celebrate in those sucessful stories. Often times I don't post about my past, or how I got Jazmin.

I'm blessed to be in such an amazing group, I'm happy to know some of you from chat and have enjoyed it more then I can express. I'm apreciative for those that reply, it lets me know that someone out there is reading what is going on.

Thank you so very much for everything thus far, and I'm looking forward to the future.



Don and Crew.

Comment by Anna Morelli on March 17, 2011 at 10:21pm
I joined because I wanted to learn more about Corgis, what I found was a lovely community of fun loving, caring people.  This site has definitely added to my enjoyment of this wonderful breed and I feel so lucky to have a corgi in my life.
Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on March 16, 2011 at 9:08pm

Beautifully said, Cindi.  I would happily give up Facebook before I'd give up MyCorgi and there are so many people her that I feel like I know even though we've never met.  Sam has done an extraordinary job of creating a spot where people from around the world can share their common obsession with smiling, short, dogs from a small country most know only a little about.  I really can only conclude that Corgis retain some of the magic they had in ye olden days when they were the mounts for Welsh fairies and that they now use that magic to make us their servants.

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