So in my last blog post I explained how awful our move to FL went..

  • Car broke down for good in VA
  • Had to be rescued by my grandfather
  • Stayed with him in SC for a few days
  • Had to buy a new vehicle $$
  • Finally made it to FL and had to stay in hotel rooms $$
  • Decided to camp $$
  • Ran out of funds $0
  • Returned to my grandfather's farm in SC

Okay, so now that we have recapped... We were thinking about going back to our orignal home in North GA but it is a strong possibility that we will be staying here in SC instead. My fiance and my dad both have several good prospects for jobs and I am looking for something where I can work with animals. We are not completely sure but this is where my dad grew up so he and my grandfather know A LOT of people in this area, and have connections. LOL
So now that this possibility is on the table, we have been looking around and found lots of acreage (20 acres) where my parents can put a house and my fiance and I can put a house (way down the line).
We have just been looking at our options and so far this option seems to make the most sense. This is so NOT what we were planning but my dad believes that there is a reason why we ended up here.
At this point, I really don't care where we are as long as I have my family and fiance there with me (I include our furbabies in my family of course)
Chase, by the way, has been having so much fun running around on my papa's farm!! I am careful not to let him out of my site because I am an overprotective mom. But no matter, he runs around and chases the rabbits and checks out the fish at the pond. It is so fun watching him discover new things. I wonder what he is thinking when he investigates different things. He loves to ride on the golf cart!! I will have to take more pictures of him on the farm! His normally WHITE feet are now RED with mud. No use in washing them everyday because they just get red again!

Chris and I were talking about how nice it would be to find a place where we can fence in a yard for Chase. Then we can let him out to play and not have to worry about the world getting him. Just have to watch out for snakes. We were also talking about getting a place of our own where we don't have to worry about pet policies or extra fees (or neighbors) Something out in the country, then we can get another Corgi or two!
This is of course wishful thinking right now. We will not be getting any more Corgis for a WHILE since we have a lot of work to do. Finding jobs, vehicles and a place to live.
Wish us luck! Any suggestions are appriciated!!

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