Kaitlyn & Chase's Blog (12)

I'm officially a horrible Corgi mom...

After wrestling with the decision for several weeks, my fiance and I decided that it would be best for Chase to get him a muzzle, temporarily. This was a very very difficult decision for me because I do not like the idea of a muzzle at all!!

I feel like the worst mom on the planet, and a piece of me feels like this means I am giving up on Chase.

We decided that this would be best to keep Chase safe. We…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on July 14, 2012 at 12:00am — 7 Comments

My fiance finally caught Corgi fever!!

After months of Chris making fun of me for my breed of choice.. he has finally caught Corgi fever!!!

First, I should mention that we are staying to South Carolina and currently working towards getting our own property. I mentioned to Chris that after everything is settled and we have a nice fenced in yard for Chase, I would like to add another Corgi to our little family. He laughed and picked on me about having a…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on June 23, 2012 at 12:22am — 6 Comments

Chase picked our wedding date!!!

Since Chris and I are horrible at making definate decisions we decided to have Chase pick our wedding date for us!!!

Yes, we left this decision to our 7 month old Corgi. :)

How? You may ask...

Chris and I narrowed it down to the end of May 2013- beginning of June 2013. We wrote those dates down on a piece of paper, tore it into smaller pieces and folded…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on June 13, 2012 at 10:19pm — 10 Comments

Staying in South Carolina?

So in my last blog post I explained how awful our move to FL went..

  • Car broke down for good in VA
  • Had to be rescued by my grandfather
  • Stayed with him in SC for a few days
  • Had to buy a new vehicle $$
  • Finally made it to FL and had to stay in hotel…

Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on June 13, 2012 at 4:54pm — No Comments

Moving update

Since it has been a while since I have been on the site I thought I should update everyone on our move.

Our move from PA to FL was very unsuccessful. :( While going through VA our car broke down at 2 AM on the side of the interstate. We were stuck on the side of the road for 3 hours with two Yorkies, a Corgi, two cats, a fish and five people (including my 7 year old sister) until a cop and a tow truck came to our rescue. We made…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on June 7, 2012 at 10:44pm — 6 Comments

Homemade Dog Food

After seeing all of the past and recent dog food recalls I am considering making homemade food for Chase. I have been feeding Chase Blue Buffalo Freedom, which has not been recalled recently. However, I don't think I could feed Chase kibble with confidence anymore. I have not seen where and how this food is made and I honestly believe that no one cares about Chase's health more than I do, so why shouldn't I be directly responsible for feeding him CLEAN, HEALTHY food?

I have been doing a…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on May 10, 2012 at 1:49pm — 10 Comments

Chase's socialization progress :)

This morning my mom and I took all three of our furbabies on a dog walk to benefit a local no-kill shelter. My mom has two yorkies and I (of course) have Chase, my Pem.

I was a little nervous. Chase needs work with his socialization skills. He is always barking and growling at strangers as they approach and pass. I wanted him to have this new experience in order to help him learn to be around new people and new animals.

When we first got there, he went crazy barking at everyone.…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on May 5, 2012 at 8:07pm — 1 Comment

Cats vs Dogs while moving

Yet another post from me and Chase.

I was going to include this in my previous blog post but I decided to make another instead.

My fiance and I adopted a cat last year and named her Daisy. She was in a shelter and needed a home. When we adopted Daisy we made sure that she was good with other cats and dogs. I knew that I would want a dog in the future when we had the space for one.

We discovered that the information that they gave us on Daisy was completely wrong. She hates…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on May 2, 2012 at 2:09pm — 8 Comments

Windshield Wiper War

My 6 month old Corgi, Chase, has a serious issue with the windshield wipers...

One (rainy) day while going to the vet for a check up, my fiance and I discovered that Chase hates the wind shield wipers. He barked and barked at them while following them back a forth with his head.

At first it was a little funny. I took a video of it and then made Chase quiet down. All was well.

THEN days or weeks later, my fiance thought it would be funny to turn the windshield wipers on and…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on May 2, 2012 at 12:52pm — 2 Comments

Bath time: Who loves it? Who hates it?

Just got done giving Chase a much needed bath, he did not enjoy it at all. It may seem weird to some, but sometimes bathe him with me when I take a shower. He seems to handle that much better. I think maybe it's because he's in there with me? He's such a mama's boy.

So I was just wondering...

Who hates bath time and who loves it?

Also if you have methods to making bath time more fun I would love to hear them.

Chase and I play right after bath time. Tug o' war with the…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on April 29, 2012 at 9:53pm — 13 Comments

Chase is not good with strangers!! HELP!

My fiance and I have been working on basic training and behavior with our 6 month old Corgi, Chase. So far he has learned and responded well to "sit" and "go to bed" but the real issue we have is his mannerisms with strangers. This may be (and probably is) my fault because when I first got him I would not let strangers in Petsmart or Petco touch him. I am not a huge fan of exchanging germs with other people and I did not want them to make him sick or pass their germs on to him. But now Chase…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on April 27, 2012 at 3:59pm — 10 Comments

Our first blog post!

Hello everyone! Chase and I are new to the site and this is our first blog post.

I finally decided to join because I often found myself coming here for answers to my "Is this just a "Corgi thing?" questions. I like MyCorgi.com because it is full of experienced Corgi parents and new Corgi parents, like…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on April 27, 2012 at 3:26pm — 11 Comments

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