Lyla is getting spayed tomorrow and I'm so nervous! When Sky got neutered it was horrible!! He was sooo sick after, in so much pain, and ended up even getting a UTI. From the talking I have done with dog owners since I have learned this is not common, especially in males, but I'm just so anxious about going through all that again. The first night I brought him back was literally so bad I had to board him at the vet for the next two days because I didn't get any sleep between the licking, vomiting, and crying. Keep your fingers crossed that everything will go okay for my little Lyla Bug tomorrow!

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Comment by Bev Levy on July 17, 2009 at 11:45am
How is she? It sounds like you are due for some luck this time around.
Comment by Marion and Vern on July 15, 2009 at 8:56pm
I'm sure it will be alright. I was so worried about Samantha, she was spayed 8 days ago. I should have asked our vet for tranquilizers instead of the pain pills they sent home for her!! It's true really. They kept her over night but we went to visit her that evening. She was only on her pain meds until Friday night, half a pill morning and night. Her incision was about as long as my index finger and looks almost completely healed up. Of course the insides take a little longer to heal but we know it was better for her all the way around. Sending good wishes and prayers to you and Lyla. Will think of you both often tomorrow. Keep us posted please.
Comment by Ein Danger on July 15, 2009 at 6:58pm
aww don't you worry. things will go great. ein was neutered a cpl of months ago and it was a great experience. he wasn't groggy or anything from the anesthesia. he had a little bit of bloody stool but that was only once immediately following the surgery. the only thing was that ein was disappointed that he couldn't frap around the house for the first cpl of days. lol. we had to check his area to make sure he was even neutered (and he was). just remember that you're doing the right thing as a pet parent. your lyla is going to be a healthier, happier corgi :)
Comment by Cagney & Lacey & Chapin on July 15, 2009 at 5:56pm
I am sure it will go smoothly!!! The only thing we had after the older two got spayed was a little "glee pee" for a month or so. That basically means the dribbled a little bit when they got excited. But after about a month that stopped and they haven't had that issue since. We take the newest addition to the vet Saturday for a "meet the vet" check up sort of thing.

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