I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on Lyla since it's been a while. She turned 7 months old yesterday and is getting so big! Over 17 pounds now! She is still lacking many "Corgi" traits I have been expecting to kick in any day. She is NOT food motivated, she doesn't even finish her meals most of them time, and when she does, she acts like it's a chore. Silly Corgi. She is also still really laid back and almost never rambunctious. When she's outside she is a hyper little dog, but as soon as she walks through the door into the house she walks to her bed and lays down and doesn't move until I leave the room and she has to follow me and lay down in a new place.

Training has been slow going with her. She is much more sensitive than Sky was, and if I start to even get a little bit tense or frustrated she can sense it and will shut down completely. She has finally mastered "sit" and "down" reliably and "come" when we're in the house. I don't think she will ever be a trick dog like Sky is, but as long as she will sit and down (and hopefully one day even "come" outside), I'm happy enough.

She has started mimicking Sky sometimes which I think is absolutely adorable. I find her looking over at Sky a lot when she is unsure of what I'm asking, and just doing whatever he is doing (My degree is in human development, and it just fascinates me that animals do the same social referencing that people do... I'm such a nerd!). My favorite though, was the other night when Lyla was laying down watching TV with me, Sky heard a funny noise and switched to "Aussie guard dog" mode and sat up and started growling. Lyla looked at him for a couple minutes and then decided that she should probably do the same thing and started with the most adorable, soft little wimpy growl I've ever heard! Too funny!

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Comment by Beni on September 8, 2009 at 4:53pm
Ooh yeah-- about a month ago Beni was around 18 pounds, so it sounds like they're growing at about the same rate. He's gotten a little bigger recently but I'm not sure how much.

How was Lyla's spaying? Beni's getting neutered in a little more than a week!
Comment by Beni on September 8, 2009 at 4:51pm
Beni and Lyla sound really similar :). They both don't really like eating and just lay around all the time (Beni's sleeping in one of our office chairs now). We were a bit worried that he wasn't eating enough, because he grazes and then loses interest, so as a result he's really skinny! He won't eat if the big bowl of food is sitting in front of him, but he will eat if you give him his food for a reward. So as a result, he's been able to learn a lot of tricks, and we haven't had to buy him many additional treats.

We took him on a road trip to Florida (Keys, Everglades, Orlando) recently, and while at my cousin's house we discovered he LOVES Purina One, but turns his nose up at his normal dog food. We think his normal dog food is a little healthier than Purina One, so we mix a little bit of Purina One with his normal food and he seems to like that. Kinda like getting a big scoop of ice cream in your oatmeal I guess.

We also got him a Kong ball that you can fill with food. When he rolls it around the food comes out, and he really likes that. I think he really likes having to work for his food. Sometimes he leaves his regular dog food lying around, and we get him to eat it by sliding it along the floor so that he "catches" it by pouncing on it. He'll also eat it if we tell him to leave it first, and then take it. Beni learned a lot of other tricks from his Petsmart puppy class too! It was helpful both for him and me.

That's so cute that Lyla sees Sky as her older brother and wants to do everything he does ^_^.
Comment by Amanda & Tuck on September 3, 2009 at 6:28pm
Lyla sounds like such a sweetheart. Tucker is calmer than most corgi's I'd say- at least when we are home. His favorite activity is snuggling - he still fraps once every morning and likes to play but he is happy to curl up and relax quite a bit. That is a cute story about her imitating her big bro wtih the sweet little growl. Doesn't sounds like she would intimidate anyone! :) I bet you have fun with Sky. I would get an Aussie if I had a bigger yard. My brother dogsits for his friends Aussie girl names Mighty and I love her!
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on September 3, 2009 at 5:31pm
My first corgi was the "sensative" type; which is the way I thought all corgis were. I got her about 38 years ago, and NO ONE knew what a corgi was then. At least not in our area. Then along comes Duncan, and did he ever change my thinking of what a corgi was. He is pure corgi...from the tip of his nose to the end of his nubbin!!! Energetic, bossy, alert, playful and a great little guard dog.
Enjoy your little poet, I sure did mine.
Comment by Derek on September 3, 2009 at 4:55pm
My Miranda was the same way. She was always sensitive and very calm. She was eating a plastic bag and I get to grab it fast from her and I accidentally slapped her in the face. Over a year later she still flinches when I try to grab something out of her mouth. But I have run over her hundreds of times with my computer chair (she sleeps under the legs when I work) and she has not learned. Dogs are odd that way. I think it is because I yelled at her when I grabbed the bag, I thought she was choking on it and she scared the hell out of me. With the chair she just does not seem to understand that is rolls all over.... But ya back on topic. Corgi's can be sensitive, like poets and song writers. LOL. I think it is a nice personality though.
Comment by Jennifer Markley on September 3, 2009 at 11:40am
I love the "big dog" attitude!

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