The Hunt for Black October (Alt title: Curse of Having a Smart Dog)

This is my little girl, October. She's been protesting Waffle ever since he arrived in May; she used to be my baby. Or, I used to be her human. She's the complete opposite of my macho-cat, Torry. She's extremely loving and needy, a little skittish, and not very brave. Or smart. In fact, if she weren't so adorable, I'm not sure I'd like her.

Herp derp.

She doesn't know how to use her claws; I'm not even sure if she ever has. Mostly they get stuck on the couch or blankets. So, her only defense against Waffle asking her to play is to growl and look barely threatening. Contrast this to Torry, whose defense includes hissing and mauling some faces. Waffle is not a stranger to his paws, and will actually turn his head away when Torry walks by for fear of some random attack. Waffle GLADLY gets in Tober's face, though, because we all know there's no threat behind those big green kitty eyes.

Even though she doesn't spend time with me anymore, I still try to get her attention by calling her name whenever she saunters into the room. This is where I made my mistake. "Tober! Tober! Come here, October!" Every time, without fail.

Now Waffle, he's as smart as a whip. His intelligence may rival Torry's, and Torry is maybe the smartest (and toughest) animal I've had the pleasure of encountering. I just so happen to own him. So to Waffle, Tober is a fun play-thing. All bark, no bite, runs fast, and runs without fail. Chasing is AWESOME, too.

So because Tober is so gosh-darned fun, and I consistently call for her whenever she enters the area, Waffle picked up that "Tober" = the fun cat, which has recently entered the room. Now whenever I call for her, which I inevitably do, he jumps off the couch or stops what he's doing and runs around the room looking for her, then the chase begins. Oy! The pains of having a smart dog, har har har.

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Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on August 6, 2010 at 7:48pm
That's really funny. We pretty much have the samething going on at our house lol we have 2 cats and one is a maincoon. Super sweet but he isn't very smart... he dosnt relize that he can jump on the counters and over things but he is super sweet and fluffy lol now r other cat is just to smart for his own good. He comes when called and knows that when teddy is in his crate he will jump on top and fight with him. Its paybeack for when teddy chases him. And he will wait till teddy is off in his own world, ponce and take what ever he has and uses his claws to. Make him go away. Aw life with cats and dogs lol
Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on August 6, 2010 at 11:48am
I like the party hard, lampshade picture. That's a classic.

We had an issue with Algy and Buffy (our cat - she's a bit skittish too) where he'd just hear her name and he'd jump off the couch, or get up from what he was doing to 'look' for her or chase her. She would get her revenge though, when he would try to poop in the yard. He'd be hunched over trying to go, and she'd be all over him, rubbing against him and purring. You could see it in his eyes!! So all hope is not lost! Tober may yet have her day!!
Comment by Christine on August 6, 2010 at 1:10am
She'll smarten up and put the puppy in his place eventually :) Either that or she'll make a permanent home above the fridge out of reach
Comment by Geri & Sidney on August 6, 2010 at 12:55am
How funny! We have three cats; the oldest one, Hammie, is 16 and all the dogs just leave him alone. Pippin is a huge 18-pounder that Sidney loves to antagonize. We recently adopted a wee little 5-pound female we named Sally. Sidney seems to think she's his personal kitty and he's always shadowing her and trying to protect her from Bruce (my senior corgi mix) who really seems to have it out for Sally. My house is chaos.
Comment by Monica, Orion, and Laika on August 5, 2010 at 11:53pm
Aw! She looks like my baby who only hangs around the dogs when food is involved. We keep half the house baby gated so the cats can hop over into the dog free zone. They've learned they get in big trouble when they chase the cats though (I have five of my own, and usually have foster kittens).

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