We have the first snow of the year here in MO. Nellie seems to like it. She didn't want to come in this morning. Unfortunately Howie isn't really going to get to enjoy it today. I dropped him off this morning at the vet to get neutered. Poor little boy. When Nellie was spayed, she had a really upset tummy all through the following night. Howie seems to have a stronger stomach, so hopefully he won't have such a bad time of it tonight. I think when I go home for lunch I may find a rather lonely Nellie. She hasn't been alone since we got Howie! Who knows, she may like the day off from her little brother!

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Comment by Simon & Anne on November 16, 2009 at 8:14pm
Well Nellie wasn't really herself today while he was gone. Howie is now home, and he seems to be just fine. The spay was harder for Nellie then the neuter for Howie. Howie is his same little self and the onlyl hard part is keeping Nellie from playing too rough with him.
Comment by Kathryn Graham on November 16, 2009 at 7:16pm
Hope Howie is home and comfortable this evening. I scheduled Madoc's neutering today for Dec. 11! Your posting was a reminder that I needed to do that. How is Nellie doing without her companion?
Comment by Edward and Gemima on November 16, 2009 at 2:54pm
Edward(our tri) just got Neutered about a week and half ago and sailed through it so hopefully Howie will too!! It is a long wait for them to get back home. It's the worst part!! Gem had a much tougher recovery. she looked like she was hit by a truck when I went to get her. I think the males have it easier!!! come join our Knee-High Herders Holiday Lovers group if you need something to keep your mind of it til he gets home. It's on the side bar of the corgi website!!
Comment by Jane Christensen on November 16, 2009 at 11:23am
It's hard to say but I bet she'll be missing him by tonight! Since the procedure isn't as difficult for a neuter my guess is that Howie will be feeling much better then Nellie did! Good luck and I hope they both can enjoy the snow before it melts!

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