Good morning all,
Sydney Australia has had the warmest Winter on record! and this means tick season has started early and vets are warning us to be vigilant and on guard with our pets in high tick areas!!!. Paul and I check Oscar & Sam on a daily basis and we have changed their frontline plus to advantix for both boys!. It seems because Oscar is lower to the ground he seems to be more of a target than Sam??? so we do it fortnightly rather than monthly now!. We have a tick and flea rinse standing by for those little nasties!!!. It seems that Oscar knows that we are only helping him if we find one and he just lies there and just lets Paul do his thing if he finds one most are dead some Paul he also does a thing I've noticed he comes up to Paul and taps him on the leg and lies down and this seems to be a signal that he has a tick and luckily they have only been bush ticks not the paralysis ones!. Sure enough Paul checks his over from snout to stump and gets rid of any!. Our new vet has said that Oscar is okay and during the summer months keep him inside more and check him over every time he goes in and out thank goodness we have a verandah that is huge! and gated so they are safe and happy and can run up and down have shade have their trampoline beds and we were going to get our handyman to install a doggy door as the screen door they can push to go out but we are teaching Sam & Oscar to open it with either their snout or paw Sam has almost mastered this and Oscar is watching and is also trying to do it also!. Smart dogs!. we are concerned about putting a doggie in because of snakes!. the vet and owner advised us to keep all doors and screen doors closed especially in summer as things can slither in!!!! so we have decided against putting a doggie door in after them advising us against it!!!
Hi Julie thanks for the info I had one 10 years ago when Oscar was a puppy he refused to use it! he would sit at the doggy door and for some reason knew how to not activate and expect dad to open it for him!!!. I watched Sam the other day with the screen door he opened it with his snout started to go thru and stopped halfway fro his playmate Oscar to go thru his legs under his body and walk thru I tell you I have to very smart dogs!!!!. so far we have not encountered any snakes I have to admit I see one and I bolt I hope my boys take the same course of action and bolt just like their dad!!!.
Smart Oscar!
There are locking doggy doors with electronic locks. The key to the lock is worn on the dog's collar. As they approach the door it unlocks for them. Snakes have no collars, no keys, and therefore no access. Sure they cost more, but having lived with doggy doors for about 15 years I consider them priceless! (My last extra super-duper-deluxe door cost me about $500. Worth it.) Good info about one.
Electronic SmartDoor |
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