I have been working with Bailie on 'take it' but I'm having a lot of difficulty. I have tried using multiple toys but I can't seem to get her interested enough and the few times she would take it she drops it as soon as i open my mouth to praise her. Any suggestions?

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Comment by Napolean (Joan and Gabby) on April 15, 2012 at 2:56pm

Use treats. Take the toy place it on the floor and if she's interested in what your doing, treat. If she touches the toy, treat her. Overtime she'll begin to interact more with the toy and treat her every time she interacts with it. If she's really not interested in toys it'll be a longer process but the ending result is great :D! When she begins to mouth the toy you have to give her TONS of praise, and even if she doesn't think the praise was for the toy you keep having to do the process until she does :) sooner or late she'll get to love the toy! Good luck :)

Comment by Ludi on April 15, 2012 at 2:32pm

Try using something as basic as a stick from the yard - sometimes, toys just have a different texture that makes dogs prefer to tear at them, instead of pick the whole thing up in their mouths. As for working on duration, that's just something you'll have the chance to work on once she's reliably taking the toy. Don't up your criteria too soon - make sure she's always taking the stick first, then you can work on waiting a split second before praising, then two, then four, etc. :)

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