Evidently Goldy drank the last of the water a few moments ago because as I sat here typing up a handout for school I hear Bear quietly bark.

I ignore it - assuming it's a request for tug of war.

A few moments later - BARK BARK!   I ignore - focusing on my work.

Then, BARK BARK BARK and walks over and headbutts MY LEG!

As I look up, he walks back over to his water bowl and BARK! 

I thought I was a teacher, it appears I'm Bear's personal servant.   And when I don't listen, I get headbutted.

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Comment by Kathy Losacco on September 28, 2011 at 9:13am

And that is why God created man - to serve the corgi.

And who do you think runs England, anyways.  Maybe that is why the Queen hasn't stepped down.  She still has corgis and those in succession do not.

Comment by Geri & Sidney on September 28, 2011 at 2:57am
aww, that was cute :)
Comment by Beth on September 27, 2011 at 9:37pm

Haha!  So funny.  Maddie won't ask for water, but Jack will go and lick and lick at the dry bowl til something in the back of my head thinks "Why does the dog drinking sound like someone licking metal?" and then I go "Ahhhhh, empty bowl!"  


Jack will bark to be played with, or if something went behind the couch, or if it's time for dinner... or bed.... or a walk.... or he's bored.   He also likes to lie around and moan "No one plays with the pupppieeeesss.   The poor puppppyyyyy is being ignored.  Oh, woe is me!  The poor, pooorrr ppupp-eeee!  No one does a thing with him!"


Maddie will poke us in the back of the legs with her nose if we don't walk towards the food bowl quickly enough.  She'll also go sit in her crate, looking dejected, in the hopes we'll see her and take pity and give her a snack, because she's starving to death.

Comment by Michelle on September 27, 2011 at 8:26pm

Hey.....at least those of us owned by corgi's are trainable!  LOL

Comment by Stephanie on September 27, 2011 at 8:04pm
Smart and rotten!
Comment by Kari & Quin on September 27, 2011 at 8:02pm
Quin will put her paws in her dish and dig like crazy if i forget the water.  They are too smart!!!

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