I haven't updated recently so I thought I'd just give a quick update. We ended up not moving because I couldn't come up with the money to pay 2 months of double rent. So for now we are just going to stay where we are until June and then try and find a new place. (Speaking of which does anyone know of an apartment complex in the Twin Cities or suburbs that allow dogs and isn't insanely expensive?)

I recently graduated from college and am looking for work, which hasn't been going very well. On the bright side I have been able to get a lot of things done that I was too busy to do while I was in school, and I have been spending a lot more time with Callie. (Which she really loves)

I do think Callie has a bit of a cold, her nose and eyes have been runny and she's been sneezing these past few days. She has also been very snuggly, which is nice because I also haven't been feeling good.

Oh and just a quick question... does anyone else's corgi suckle when they sleep? Callie makes all kinds of noise with her mouth when she sleeps. In fact my mom often complains about all the smacking going on.

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Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on January 26, 2010 at 8:52am
Wish you the best. After I finished school it took me sometime to find a job. Don't give up. Sometimes you have to start working in something that is not your favorite thing, until you can actually work in what you want. I am not familiar with your area, but I have seen some places that are starting to charge monthly for having a pet. I hope it's not a new trend.

About the noises, yes, Nala does them before falling asleep and in the morning when she wakes up. I think it's her thing to get me off bed. It's not a favorite of mine, I used to love when she "arooooed" me in the mornings. She doesn't do it anymore. : ( Again good luck in your job-apartment hunting. Diana & Nala
Comment by Jane Christensen on January 25, 2010 at 11:39pm
One of my daughters friends also lives in St. Paul...I will see if she can ask him also.
Comment by Lusa on January 25, 2010 at 11:21pm
I'm currently in the Bloomington area and I do like the building/area that I am living in, but I just can't afford more than $700 of rent a month. Well actually for me the killer is having to pay $50 a month just so I can have Callie live with me. As of right now I am pretty open to move where ever, as long as it is easy access to downtown Minneapolis.
Comment by Jane Christensen on January 25, 2010 at 10:46pm
My daughter lived in Plymouth...her complex allowed dogs but I think you had to pay a fair amount more. I liked that the balconies had bars close enough together (I think) so that a dog couldn't jump out. They had a 3 bedroom.. My niece lives in Savage but her son rented until recently. What area are you hoping to live in?. I could ask them if you want??? Let me know and I can call/email them.

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