I just got back from the vet with Alice and the news is not good.

The egg-sized lump near her hip is cancer. It seems to be growing into her abdominal wall, and that combined with her age make surgery a less-than-promising option. The vet said the cancer is very aggressive; the cells were dividing like crazy under the microscope.

She drained a large amount of bloody fluid off the site. My sweet princess was an absolute angel and did not put up a fuss. She gave her a shot of a steroid-type drug which she says sometimes can slow or even shrink the tumor, but she fears this is not the type that responds favorably to the drug (though it's impossible to be sure from just a needle biopsy).

We go back in two weeks for an evaluation and perhaps a second cancer-targeting drug--- the second one is usually well-tolerated but can occasionally cause gastro-intestinal upset.

It's as I feared. At this point it is most likely just a matter of making sure she is not uncomfortable. The vet wanted to try the drugs simply because it's growing so rapidly otherwise, but she did not sound terribly optimistic. I think she'll be sleeping with the angels very soon.

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Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on December 17, 2009 at 9:51pm
Beth, sending my thoughts and prayers your way. So sorry, its never easy. Enjoy your time you have with her, as Im sure your doing.
Comment by Sky and Lyla on December 17, 2009 at 7:18pm
Beth, I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet kitty! You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Comment by Jennifer Markley on December 17, 2009 at 7:02pm
I am so sorry. I lost my cat to lymphoma very suddenly a couple of years ago...I can only imagine your pain. The best I guess we can do for them is keep them comfortable....
Comment by Beth on December 17, 2009 at 6:13pm
Thank you all. I spent most of the car trip to the vet talking to her and asking her if she remembered hiding under the hedge as a kitten and how she purred when I finally was able to catch her, various moves and bringing in those dogs that she can't stand. I know she can't understand my words but I think my tone was soothing as she was quieter than normal on the ride up.

I had hoped that one day she would just drift off in her sleep. I comfort myself with the fact that she does not seem to be in any pain, her appetite is good and she's still cheerful and alert. It's just hard to make decisions when you are there at the vet and they are listing options, side effects and hoped-for outcomes. She (the vet) was very kind and caring, but I felt totally inadequate to actually make the call. Since the first drug is really just a steroid, that one was easy but the next one...? I'm not so sure.

Thank you all again.
Comment by Alice on December 17, 2009 at 4:25pm
I'm sorry Beth. I'm sure you are doing everything you can for Alice. It must be hard after having her with you all these years, but you can take comfort in knowing you've helped her live a long, happy life. Cancer is such a scary thing and you can't lose hope. No matter what doctors say, things happen every day that surprise the doctors and that's what you have to hope for. I'll keep you both in my prayers.
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on December 17, 2009 at 3:58pm
Oh Beth, I'm so sorry.... I can't begin to imagine how hard this must be for you. God Bless your sweet Alice. And I will keep my prayers going!
Comment by Bev Levy on December 17, 2009 at 3:48pm
It sounds similar to what I went through with Sam my last Siamese. Just know she has been well loved and she sounds like she has been really special. Corgi hugs and kisses to you!
Comment by Lawren and Teddy on December 17, 2009 at 3:21pm
I am so sorry, Beth. I know what Alice means to you. Having been there myself over the years and heading there again soon with B, I know how upset you are. Sending the best wishes I can to you and Alice (and to Shawn, Jack and Maddie).

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