Today we walked two blocks! Nutmeg is amazing on the leash. It took some time, but she got it faster than Cinnamon has. I thought that Cinny would mimick Nutty, but noooo! Cinny has fought the leash big time! I tried the same tact with Cinny that I did with Nutty....harness to get used to it. A trainer told me that I had to get Nutty on the "choke" collar, and I was in tears the first time. It did work. I thought Cinny would just follow us, and didn't want to do it, but I had reached my end with dragging Cinny around. Today, we made it twice around with the little one wearing the fabric choker. She did amazing! There was some resistance, but after a bit, she was running ahead of Nutty! YEAH! What a pleasure. Hopefully soon, I will be able to walk them both on the dual leash I have. Walking two is a real workout!
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