I was very nervous awaiting the arrival of my new corgi puppy in my life. I mean, yes, I couldn't wait - I missed River dearly - her loss had broken me in a way I didn't think was possible and I wanted a dog in my life again. The way River died, though, was so sudden and unexpected that I couldn't help the feelings of unease bringing this new baby home.
Every week, nay day, I awaited pictures of my new little one and thought seriously about what I would name her. As the days grew closer to the time, I could barely contain my excitement and probably drove everyone around me nuts. Since I live in San Diego and the breeder was in Hesperia, I decided to take the opportunity to visit my mom, as she lives an hour away from there in Palmdale, something I hadn't done for a few months. Actually since right after River died.
My mom really wanted to go with me to pick up the new puppy - since she never had an opportunity to meet River. My best friend, Kristy, also made the trip with me.
Once we got to the breeder's - right away I zeroed in on my pup and picked her up. My mom was surprised I knew which one was mine and kept asking if I had the right one, and how did I know. I pointed out the pup's star on her head and that I was sure that one was mine and confirmed it with the breeder. The puppy seemed to know she belonged to me - cuddled up and kissed right away. Once the paperwork was signed we placed the pup back in with her littermates to say goodbye. She seemed a little jealous when I was petting her brothers and sister, and sat back away from the group to observe - LOL! I found out one of her brothers will be down in San Diego, too, so maybe we'll encounter him one day!
Linda took a picture of the four of us once we were ready to depart - and off we went!

I decided on the name Luna - my mom had actually suggested it when I was thinking of names and no one else could say Xochitl properly - so Luna it is! We spent the night at my mom's so Luna could play with my mom's dog Belle. Belle had so much fun with the puppy that my mom is thinking of getting a new dog herself! - I'm trying to convince her to get a corgi. Actually she tried to convince me to leave Luna behind - no way that was going to happen!
On Sunday (Halloween) we drove home to San Diego. Luna is doing really good at home. She has made friends with our neighbor dog, Billie, who is a Pekingnese and plays with her every evening. She's mostly doing well with her potty-training, but has started peeing in the middle of the night in her crate, so no longer gets bedding and I have been having to give her a mini-bath for the last two days in the mornings. She cries to go outside to poo, but has stopped crying for pee for some reason - so I'm going to start setting a timer at night for myself. She now wears her collar most of the time and I now have to put the leash on her when I take her out to go potty - she is fast and hops like a bunny!
I can't wait to see how much she's going to learn in the coming weeks.
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