I made Luna's available space in her crate a little smaller and set up an alarm for myself to go off at 12:00, 3:00, and 6:00 to take her out to prevent accidents in her crate. I chose an alarm sound that would prove, well, alarming enough to wake me from a deep sleep. I was a little worried how this would work, but knowing I am a light sleeper I wasn't too concerned with waking myself up - but rather with getting to Luna in time.

Luna did wonderfully though this whole week, we are at the point where I feel comfortable enough with taking out one of the times to see how she does. With these middle of the night potty breaks it was very much a wake the puppy up to pee process: she would sleepily squat and pee outside as I struggled to keep my own eyes open. By the end of this week though, no matter what time of day it was, she now follows me quite nicely and automatically goes to the door when she is done pottying (pee or poo).

She's also doing really good in telling me when she needs to go outside - going to the barrier closest to the door in a certain way that shows me her intent. It's so wonderful how smart she is!

At the end of this week I was starting to take down that barrier so she could explore a little more of our home - supervised now of course. That's still going to be a little bit at a time until I make sure she can leave the cat food alone.

Her first vet visit last week, something I forget to mention last time, went well. She checked out completely healthy and Dr. Cindy and pretty much the entire staff loved her. While we were in the exam room practically everyone who was working that day dropped in to see my new little one and Luna loved the attention.

She had her 2nd vet visit this week, just to get her de-wormer. She's up to six pounds now! Even though she wasn't getting an exam, Dr. Cindy made sure to see her and Luna seemed really disappointed when she let her go!

A little craziness happened at the beginning of this new week (week 3), but that's for the next blog.

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Comment by Teresa Gilpin on November 15, 2010 at 6:25pm
She is such an angel and very smart!

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