We came back home from our adventure to Minnesota last night around 7:30pm. We had one major tussle in the car as Chloe felt a little cornered by Riley as we took them out to potty at one of the stops on the ride home. It's been 24 hours, and it's been bittersweet.

Chloe is such a vibrant personality, very out going, incredibly loving, and will follow you everywhere. The girl loves to run! She had a blast out in the backyard! But we've got some personal space issues with other dogs, and the first night home we had about a half dozen major snarl matches between Chloe and Riley. She has a resource guarding issue with another dog (I'm fine with putting my hand in her bowl while she's eating and even moving it around) and there's contention if Riley gets anywhere near her kennel.

We moved the kennel to the bedroom, so that way the only time they really are around it is at bedtime, and it's a non-issue at that point. Riley is cautious around her, and is in a bit of a slump. He's now not the only dog in the house, he's got a puncture bite to his paw which started to bleed just a little again, and is generally not liking the situation on a whole.

Chloe would love to play with Riley, but is just as content to sit on our laps and lick our faces.

The poor girl has been through two different homes already, and the Brown County Humane Society in New Ulm, MN had said on their site that she shouldn't be in a home with kids because she nipped. Really all the problem was she would gentle mouthed a human hand as a greeting, so it's just bad training as far as that goes. But with the personal space issues she brought into the home, and how Riley is constantly reacting now because of it, prospect for it working out here are not good as well. It's too bad that the site didn't also mention that it would be best for her to be in a home as an only dog. It might have been better for her in the long run.

But I'm not giving up yet. The shelter said that because I'm so far away, they recommend at least 2 weeks as a trial time period. I'm going to work with Chloe and Riley the best I can, and I ultimately want them to be able to play in the house together. It's one of the main reasons I wanted another dog in the house as well as more companionship.

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Comment by Kimberly Ann on April 27, 2009 at 1:02am
Wow! As thin as Chloe looks, she weighs 26 lbs. Riley is getting to be a chub at 35 lbs. I guess the many play sessions with Chloe will help, and with her wanting to horde all the rawhides and chewies, extra calories should be as much of a concern :)
Comment by Bev Levy on April 26, 2009 at 12:49pm
That is great! Chloe is really lucky to have a real corgi owner!
Comment by Kimberly Ann on April 26, 2009 at 10:58am
Things have actually been going great! We had a major breakthrough last night. They both played in the house. I was here at the computer making the blog post, then I hear the two of them running up and down the hall. I was afraid one was chasing the other after a fight or something, but Brandon hadn't yelled at them. I cried I was so happy. Chloe is a resource guarder, so I feed them at the same time but keep them well separated. Walking them will be the next big trial, but since they see the outside world as a neutral zone, I just have to worry about other dogs coming up to us. Riley will be good at greeting, but Chloe I won't trust until I can get some one-on-one training with her. She knows exactly where to go to sleep at night (her kennel) and since I removed it from the living room, it's no longer an item of contention for Chloe, and I think THAT was a huge factor in them finally being ok around each other. I'll be keeping my online family updated. I'll get some more pics and vids of the two of them.
Comment by Bev Levy on April 26, 2009 at 8:55am
We added my son's doberman this past year to our home with two corgis. It was a little challenging because we knew our male corgi did not like her. I tolerate no bad behavior from him towards her. Think Cesar Milan(his DVDs can be rented). I also don't let her do things that annoy him(like step on him). Walk them (leashed) together and be careful to feed them separately and allow no interaction at food. Whoever has the toy first keeps it until they walk away. Once they walk away the other one gets it. Once they figure out you are in charge of the resources they will stop trying to fight over who is in charge. She should also have a safe place (like a kennel) that is just hers. She probably has real issues about loss giving her backround. You may want to spend a little quality time with him so he doesn't feel left out. Hope it works out for you!
Comment by Julie on April 25, 2009 at 9:35pm
I hope everything works out for you, Riley, and Chloe!! You're doing such a wonderful thing for Chloe by giving her a second chance! I haven't had any experience introducing a new dog into the family, but maybe time is all they need to get acclimated to one another? Best of luck!!

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