What do people say about your corgi?

Of course our corgis get sooo much attention. But some of it is unwanted. 2 women were at PetSmart together, one of them said, not surprisingly, "OOOhh soooo cuuutteee those ears awww!"
And her friend asks, "Is that a corgi?"
"Yep!" I replied proudly, as Eddy is showcasing his ears and wiggling his butt and being cute.
And she shot back, "Huh. Never seen one as a puppy. It's cute now but I think they're fugly when they're older." GASP.

Has anyone said anything other than "AWWW CUTE" about your corgi?

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Comment by Beauty and the Beast on May 18, 2009 at 8:06am
I don't know how people say something like "your dog is ugly/chubby". I am not a fan of breeds like boxer or bulldog, but I'd NEVER tell the owners that their dig is ugly!
BTW, everyone screws up Shiro's name: Sheera? Is it she?.. How do you make that connection anyways?
Comment by Lauren + Winston on May 16, 2009 at 12:50am
"Aww your dog is chubby!" NO HE'S NOT. I hate that. How would people like it if I went up to them and was like, "Aww your kid is chubby."

I've gotten:
"Look at those ears!"
"What happened to his legs/tail?" (SOO clever)
"Is that a corgi?"
"Winston? What kind of name is Winston for a dog like that?"
"That dog is intelligent.. You can tell just by looking at him" (got that one yesterday at the vet hehe)

I've never had anyone ask if he's a mix before, or I don't remember it at least. If someone said, straight up, to my face, that corgis were ugly when they were older, I probably would've said, "Hm looks like that trait runs in your family as well .. hmm" CORGIS ARE THE CUTEST. Hands down.
Comment by Sarah, Sadie & Dexter on May 14, 2009 at 4:40pm
Yeah,before I got Sadie I was telling everyone how I wanted a Corgi soo bad and I got several comments such as:
"they are just pigs with fur"
"they look like sausages"
and some other great comments, but none of those were directed to Sadie. She is a puppy so she still gets the "awww, how cuuute!!" comments
Comment by LORRAINE on May 14, 2009 at 3:01pm
My ex husband said "What a weird lookin dog". Hence the EX husband !!!!
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on May 14, 2009 at 11:31am
tell them no it's a handicapped fox :)
Comment by Christie & Mauricio on May 13, 2009 at 5:04pm
we get a lot of "is that a daawwg?" around our neighborhood.
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on May 13, 2009 at 3:53pm
Yesterday one boy said "Chuhuahua!" at my baby. No comments
Comment by Jeanette on May 13, 2009 at 2:57pm
OMG; That woman was just rude. The worst comment I've heard about my Corgis is what happened to their legs or their tail? I tell them long legs cost more; the tail was extra and I didn't want to spend the money. :)However 3 of my 4 corgis are rescues. I bring my Corgis to work; 1 at a time and everyone absolutely looks forward to them.
Comment by Julie on May 13, 2009 at 2:49pm
Caleb gets called a beagle frequently (I have NO idea), but it's always in a nice way, as in: "Awwwwww! It's my favorite beagle dog!" We also get the German Shepherd with no legs comment (Which was what I thought the very first time I saw him). Never anything negative or rude, though. If someone called my baby fugly, I'd have told her it must take one to know one, then. But that's just me. :-)
Comment by John Wolff on May 13, 2009 at 2:46pm
Perhaps the woman spoke before she thought. Guess I've done that enough times.
Handsome is as handsome does. Fugly is as fugly does.
I've found an unexpected perk in having a dog: it's such a great conversation-opener. You can compliment somebody's dog, find something good to say about them. Makes us feel good (part of a dog's job description).

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