What do people say about your corgi?

Of course our corgis get sooo much attention. But some of it is unwanted. 2 women were at PetSmart together, one of them said, not surprisingly, "OOOhh soooo cuuutteee those ears awww!"
And her friend asks, "Is that a corgi?"
"Yep!" I replied proudly, as Eddy is showcasing his ears and wiggling his butt and being cute.
And she shot back, "Huh. Never seen one as a puppy. It's cute now but I think they're fugly when they're older." GASP.

Has anyone said anything other than "AWWW CUTE" about your corgi?

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Comment by Allison Musick on May 13, 2009 at 2:31pm
I've never had any negative comments either, but PLENTY of jokes about their shortness and itty bitty legs. Heidi's first week home I was really starting to get irritated b/c people were like, "That's such a cute dog, but what happened to its legs?" (har-de-har, you're so original) ;-)
Comment by Mike and Lisa on May 13, 2009 at 12:31pm
hmmm maybe she just got hit with a an ugly too many times her self to understand what cute is. All i often here is that they look like a german shepherd without legs. Although i do ask jokingly if the boys can catch tv signals with there ears.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on May 13, 2009 at 12:17pm
Ugh, that woman sounds absolutely horrid! To think that is bad enough, but to say it out loud to you? Classless!

Sid consistently gets positive comments. Usually a squeal and a shout of "corgi!" from those that know them. At Renaissance Faire he's treated like royalty. Some people will ask "what happened to his legs?" LOL

Many people don't know what kind of dog he is, but even those that recognize him as a corgi (usually other corgi owners) will think he's a cardi becasue he's undocked and has a beautiful tail.
Comment by Talula the tabby slayer on May 13, 2009 at 10:42am
Well, we live in a neighborhood where people are only familiar with about 4 breeds of dogs-- ok maybe 5. Pit Bull, Rottie, Yorkie, Shi Tszu, Chihuahua. It's either big and scary or skiddish and small, not much in between. So Talula is little miss sunshine socialite and we have to educate all sorts of people about the Corgi. Someone once asked me what kind of mix she was. My boyfriend jokes (husky/ dachsund). Another common comment is "Is that some sort of wiener dog?" and one guy asked me what her name was and I thought he said " What kind of dog is she" and replied Corgi, and now he thinks her name is Courtney.
Comment by LORRAINE on May 13, 2009 at 10:38am
Because corgis are classed as a rare breed in the UK ,esp Cardigan Corgis (Only 67 being bred here in 2007) i am usually asked what he is crossed with?!! I think him being predominatly black and white its usually said " oh he must be crossed with a collie and something". My husbands reply being" The only thing he is cross with is you!!!"
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on May 13, 2009 at 10:36am
Everyone adores Shiro. Most kids love him, even teenage boys. Chinese kids are terrified though, but I might as well have a hamster, they'd still be afraid. No one ever made a bad comment about corgis, but sadly I have seen a few overweight ones. Needless to say they don't look very good, but that's just the owners' fault
Comment by Zach and Lisa on May 13, 2009 at 10:33am
I have had one person tell me that even corgis as puppies were ugly and disgusting! I proceeded to argue with her about it. She didn't change her opinion even though she saw pictures. She has two slobbery boxers, gross!
Comment by Laura Jones on May 13, 2009 at 9:53am
I have had people make comments about someone sawing off their legs, and we all give Taz a bad time about his Satelite Dish ears but it is good natured teasing from family. Never had an outsider say anything but good things. The kids at my boys' school always ask if they are part fox.
Comment by Sky and Lyla on May 13, 2009 at 9:18am
I just don't understand it. One of the many things I love about Corgis is they are one of the breeds of dog that maintain that "cute factor" even all grown up!
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on May 13, 2009 at 9:12am
Connie G, you made me laugh so hard that Nala started barking.

I have not received any negative comment except for "is this a new daschund mix?" But I know that they are secretly wondering "how can a dog pack so much cuteness?" "I want one too".

Sunni, don't worry, it's their loss. Eddy is megacute.

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