Perhaps not what you think.
Here's a not-so-chubby Jackpot:

When Jack was one, we had him for his checkup and we put him on the scales and he weighed in at a whopping 35 pounds. My husband and I kept looking at each other, saying "Is he fat? He doesn't look fat. But 35 pounds for a Corgi... that sounds fat!" Ah, but the vet assured us he was not fat. He's just big-boned! LOL
Anyway, we went back in April for a kennel cough booster, and we popped him on the scales and were horrified that he weighed 41. We looked at him carefully, and as he was still sporting a very luxurious winter coat, it was hard to tell but he looked a little pudgy. We cut his food back to a level cup, divided into two feedings. We bought Charlie Bear treats and reduced how many treats he got a day. We took him back in a month, confident he would be losing....
.....and he weighed over 43 pounds. Yikes! So we did some careful label-reading, found a food with lamb meal as the 1st ingredient that was about 60 calories less per cup than what he was getting, and cut him down to 2/3 of a cup per day plus some pumpkin or green beans.
Well, we had him to the vet last week, and he dropped two dress sizes! Er, if he wore women's clothes, which he doesn't. Not that there's anything wrong with that. He's a svelt 39.2 pounds, and the vet tech said he wouldn't bring him down any lower. As you can see from the pic, he's got a massive chest, and he's also a bit tall at about 14 inches at the shoulder. (He's also still blowing his coat, as you can see by the tuft sticking out of his ruff. I was scratching his back to get out some of the loose hairs which is why he looks a bit rumpled).
Other than that, we had a fun and busy week. Jack went camping with us.

He loves it, but having a hyper-vigilant dog is not necessarily an asset in a tent. LOL. He kept huffing, and a couple times started growling at the door. Finally I realized that if I talked to him whenever I heard a sound, he would decide that I was on guard, too and he did quiet down after that.
And then today we had our second therapy visit! He was great, but we do need to brush up on some things. With just one or two other dogs going room to room he was relaxed, but he was a bit hyper when we were in the common area with 8 or so other dogs; he wanted to visit dogs more than people. Some of the residents remembered us, and we had two funny moments: One was a woman who doesn't seem to remember much these days, and last visit Jack was her favorite dog. She did not remember him this time, but he was her favorite dog again! Of course, since she didn't remember us she asked me his name and breed again, but it's funny how someone can not remember from one week to the next, yet their preference in dogs means they will pick the same one out of a lineup every time. We were also visiting another resident, along with a boxer therapy dog named Emily. Emily's handler said to the resident "Would you like to meet the boxer?" and the resident promptly replied "No, I like this one (meaning Jack) the best." LOL. The boxer's handler is a veteran therapy dog handler and rescuer, and a bit of a mentor of ours, so she was not bothered by it, but it's funny how when you reach a certain age, you decide that there's not much time left to be polite anymore.
So, very busy week for Jack, and now he's a tired but happy (and no longer pudgy) guy!
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