Wynstan has been developing a strange list as of lately. We go out and then all of a sudden he starts growling at odd things.

Here is a short list

Certain alien languages from Star Wars, especially Huttese and Rodian

Remote Controls

A bowl of peppermints


Sheriff Deputy patrol cars, he doesn't growl at local PD patrol cars or state trooper ones.

a certain old feather duster that has real feathers.

The language that the people on Sims use

Porsche Boxsters

and Hitler (I watch History Channel a lot)

Do any of your dogs have strange fears?

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Comment by John Wolff on August 7, 2010 at 11:46pm
Gwynnie turns into an entirely different personality when exposed to loud reports (gunshots, thunder, fireworks), umbrellas, or soap bubbles. This has ameliorated, but I've seen soap bubbles demolish her mind.
Gwynnie will run through fire in order to attack the stream of water from the hose, and will bite it compulsively ad infinitum, whereas Al runs and hides from the hose.
Comment by Avyon on August 3, 2010 at 10:59am
oh oh! and shiney floors.. he's scared of shiney floors. He'll stop every now and then. Look as if something invisible is there all wide eyed (we say he forgets to walk) then does a scooby doo run and books it out of the kitchen/front door area

and the soccer ball. Any other ball is fine but beware the soccer ball!

he also protects us from large vehicles. regular cars/motorcycles could be invisible for all he cares but we must protect mommy and daddy from the evil School Bus Monster!!!
Comment by Avyon on August 3, 2010 at 10:56am
Charlie hates the rustle of bags. You can open garbage bags.. you can shake a treat box.. but if it sounds like a small bag rustling or some of that plastic packaging stuff he RUNS.
Comment by Bev Levy on August 3, 2010 at 10:10am
I do think the curse of the herding breeds is the ability to over think things and develop strange fears and phobias as a result. The highway rumble strips are a major fear for mine. If we encounter construction while traveling and have to cross the dreaded strips Sparty has a panic attack for the rest of the trip and Izzy hides as best she can.
Comment by Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon on August 3, 2010 at 9:53am
Nutmeg isn't afraid of anything! :)
Cinnamon- wind, windshield wipers, loud noises, thunder, remote control (thank God), Hello Kitty toys
Comment by Susan Stanton on August 3, 2010 at 9:05am
Bertie just hates the Vonage commercial theme music (that woo-woo, woowoowoo) and races from whereever he is in the house to tell the TV to stop it. But he's not really afraid of much. Although once, he flew at top speed off the deck to chase a deer in the yard, but the deer got bigger and bigger as B got closer and closer, and, without slowing down, he did a total U turn and raced right back to the deck, barking all the while. But fear? He'd never admit to it.

For Ethel, the list of what she's not afraid of would be the shorter list -- but she finds plastic bags particularly terrifying.
Comment by Chloe's parent Liz on August 3, 2010 at 1:13am
I watch History channel too, and Chloe does not react to Hitler either, I am not surprised. wind bothes Chloe. hula hoops.
Comment by Julia on August 2, 2010 at 11:02pm
Lilli has a certain affinity for Klingons. She was VERY concerned when Worf went through a pain ritual. Lilli has very little sympathy in general, so this was significant.

I've heard of the Hitler fear before. Perhaps it just shows their innate good sense.

And yes, she has a long list of odd phobias. Doors, collars, leashes. Very inconvenient.
Comment by Buddha on August 2, 2010 at 11:00pm

Let's see....

yoga balls
dog toys that make realistic noises
Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on August 2, 2010 at 9:24pm
You know, Betts, if you have super yummy treats with you and have the strangers toss it to the dog, eventually the dog will see strangers that you stop to talk to as a good thing.

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