Kathryn Graham's Comments

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At 10:08am on September 1, 2012, Priss, Charlie & Kaylee (PK) said…
Yep, I'm a grad student in my (hopefully) final year.
At 8:55pm on August 19, 2011, Paul Pejko said…

Hi, Kathryn.


I'd like to apologize for the long delay in accepting your friend request. We've been involved in a lot of projects and next thing you know, it's August and I'm just now getting back on MyCorgi.com.

I'm back to checking in often to keep up with all the fun. Suzie is doing fine and has fully adopted me and Rose...Mostly Rose as she is always with her and I leave every day for work.

We'll post more pics of Suzie soon.

Paul & Rose

At 1:23pm on September 23, 2010, Erin & Ruckus said…
Hi Kathryn, your little one is absolutely adorable!
At 9:29pm on July 09, 2010, Bella & Dawn gave Kathryn Graham a gift
At 11:17am on February 3, 2010, Edward and Gemima said…
Oh, yes that would be the ultimate B-day present for Madoc a new bro or sis to play with. I love having two of them at a time and I wish I could have more.....
At 11:51am on January 31, 2010, Edward and Gemima said…
I love that first picture of Madoc in the snow!! He is going to have his first B-day soon, are you doing anything special????
At 12:05pm on January 19, 2010, Kevin and Buddy! said…
I just noticed your question in our Blog. We got him in WV from Humnbird Corgi. We were originally going to try Dalarno, but WV is actually closer to us than Culpepper. It worked out very well as the littler was born in mid nov when we moved into our new place. Gave us plenty of time to settle in and get through the holidays before bringing him home. :)
At 7:27am on January 14, 2010, Megan and Penelope said…
Madoc looks a lot like my Penelope did when she was a pup. She's lost a lot of the black on her head and her little white stripe on her forehead. He is super cute, though I guess I am a little biased!
At 10:11am on December 8, 2009, Beauty and the Beast said…
Hi Kathryn,
It's such a relief to know that Shiro is normal size. I read that normal male corgi is 27lb, but he kinda slowed down his growth and everyone else seems bigger. He was the smallest boy in the litterso it's good to know that he's now about the same as Madoc.
He's definitely getting less exercise now, but I try to play at home as much as I can and take him to a small dog park once a week.
I do email Carrie every once in a while. We're planning on sending her a greeting card with Shiro and Santa (check out the new picture).
At 10:48am on November 5, 2009, Beauty and the Beast said…
Happy 9 months to Madoc!
At 10:47am on November 5, 2009, Beauty and the Beast said…
At 10:45pm on September 1, 2009, Randi said…
Thanks Kathryn. Your puppy looks so cute!! I'm miss my Cocoa so much. I bought her from a show kennel when she was a year old. She was out of a UK import champion. She is from the Honeyfox line. A bargain at $500. I was so disappointed to find out how much puppies are these days. Only 1/3 of what I paid for a horse. My husband would never let me spend that on a dog :(
At 10:57pm on August 13, 2009, Elizabeth Faye Perrin said…
Thank you for the tip! I am so glad we found him. I just want to make him as happy has he has made me
At 10:16am on August 12, 2009, Madog said…
Your boy is a doll. But I must confess poor Madog had his named changed to Johnson (I have some weirdly inappropriate friends with odd senses of humor). I finally gave up and started calling him Johnson as well. And then another friend saw a commentator on TV named Peter James Johnson, Jr. So naturally his named was expanded to that. Watch Madoc at 9 to 12 months. That is when I temporarily changed Madog/Johnson's name to Spawn of Satan. What a little brat he was.
At 4:45pm on August 5, 2009, Joanna, Rainy and Calvin said…
Algy would like to thank you for noticing his cuteness in his hat. He's an old man though - your little guy is a young'in! I kinda miss the days of puppydom, but in some ways, I am glad they are over. I love the picture you took of Madoc in those flowers. Lovely! Corgis are the greatest!! And your guy is a cutie! Well, I should say 'handsome!'
At 12:36pm on August 5, 2009, Beauty and the Beast said…
Happy B-day to Madoc! It is amazing how much him and Shirp look alike except the color of course.
At 1:37am on July 26, 2009, Miri, Bailey and Cali said…
I just created the Academic Corgis group :-)
Feel free to add
At 6:45pm on July 23, 2009, Livi said…
your right everything in life IS better with a corgi!!
At 6:15pm on July 23, 2009, Livi said…
adorable shot in the flowers!!! I LOVE your corgi!
At 5:00pm on July 22, 2009, Nancy and Harley said…
Thanks, I think he's cute, too. This is the picture that the breeder sent me, I can't wait to see him in person. We haven't confirmed a name yet, but I'm thinking "Harley".

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