Kathy and Jillie's Comments

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At 9:01am on November 4, 2008, Suzette & Rueben Dog said…
Oh a puppy! Rueben came to me when he was 3 and I often wonder what he looked like as a puppy. Jillie is so sweet!
At 12:23am on November 4, 2008, Nichole said…
Thank you.....I am so excited about this little guy, it's all I can think about! My Mom says that I'm "nesting", with all the planning and preparations I'm doing around the house for him.
At 10:55pm on November 3, 2008, Randi with Elphie, Tommy and Puppies said…
Wow, Jillie looks a lot like Elphie, the puppies mom. Very cute.
At 10:53pm on November 3, 2008, Randi with Elphie, Tommy and Puppies said…
Thank you so much! They just get cuter every day.
At 5:23pm on November 1, 2008, Bryan, Jennifer and Savannah Martin said…
Thanks so much for the warm welcome! Jillie is beautiful. I love your pictures, and can't wait to get some pictures of our little family on here.
At 9:55pm on October 31, 2008, Meghan said…
Hello! I would have to say I have a love/hate relationship with living here. We had a "riot" last weekend and it makes it hard to accept the students but I do appriciate all that the college brings to our town. As for watching the games, I can't say I'm into that but let me know if you ever need tickets! What part of Pa were you from, does your son go here?
At 8:40pm on October 31, 2008, Alicia said…
Hello, and thanks for the welcome. I had to promise my husband that this was the last animal I would ask for. He wanted a written contract! hehe. I just don't think you can have too many. (As long as you can afford to care for them. thankfully my father is a vet so care is free for us.)
At 11:36am on October 31, 2008, Anji said…
Thanks for the welcome! We had a rabbit too and they all loved each other! Very cute!
At 10:49am on October 31, 2008, Vikki said…
Thanks for the warm welcome! Jillie looks very sweet and adorable.
At 12:47am on October 31, 2008, Meghan said…
Thanks for the warm welcome! Is Jillie from Pa? I've been trying to find a good breeder in Pa or maybe a surrounding state.
At 10:26pm on October 30, 2008, Mindy said…
Ha! Jilliebean and Gingerbean! Plus, they look like they could be sisters!
At 8:05pm on October 30, 2008, Worthington Natalia said…
Kathy, hey! Thanks for stopping by. The lady (lab breeder selling a corgi for her divorced friend) never got back to me after letting me know someone else was interested in that 10 mos old dog. I wish she'd at least tell me not to expect anything...so I could move on. Well, I did move on and am working with the local Rescue Agency. We really want a red+white young female (someone like your Jillie) , but one never knows when things 'click' sometimes:) One thing I know - we as family are committed to give our future dog a 'heaven on earth' ... I'll keep you posted.
At 5:17pm on October 30, 2008, Liz said…
haha, ollie will only stop eating if there's no food left.. even then he'll try and find something to chew on! ollie speaks his mind too... when he's playing, and you tell him, "no," he sasses back with a little yip that's like, "yeah right, mom." haha, i love how lively they are! jillie is absolutely gorgeous! i love all her red!
At 11:09pm on October 29, 2008, karina said…
Thank you! :)
At 11:10pm on October 28, 2008, Lisa said…
Hi Kathy and Jim! Jillie is quite a cutie. Love this website. A great one to stumble upon. We live in S Central PA - close enough to all the best parts of PA. Our 2 boys are 23 [today, happy b-day Matt!] and 22. College graduates in May '08 and June '09 [Lord willing]. Dave and I are adjusting to the nest just fine! Do you visit PA anymore?
At 5:23pm on October 28, 2008, Worthington Natalia said…
Thanx, Kathy, for the moral support...even if this corgy's adoption falls through for us, it's OK as long as the little girl goes to ppl who will love her. But we are determined to get a corgi one way or another:) Just gotta keep praying.....
At 5:21pm on October 28, 2008, LaVerne & Shirley said…
Oh my GOSH! Jillie is a DOLL! Every Corgi I see I fall in love with. Thank you for the sweet welcome! You have a wonderful family!
Corgi smiles and kisses!
At 11:51am on October 28, 2008, Kevin Parham said…
Thanks, Kathy and Jim. Great pictures!
At 9:06am on October 28, 2008, Worthington Natalia said…
Man! The lady that I was talking to about a female corgi e-mailed me today saying she's dealing with someone else. I was led to belive we were the only ones. The kids and I are bummed out. Where in Greenville SC did you get your Jillie?

At 11:52pm on October 27, 2008, Amanda said…
Hi Kathy! Thanks for the message! Jillie is super cute! We have been sucked into the corgi cuteness and we hope to have our second in december sometime! Can't wait! :)

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