Sam Tsang's Comments

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At 9:10am on June 14, 2010, Erica Wilson said…
Thank you Sam!
At 7:25pm on June 9, 2010, Annie Hsu said…
great photos!!! especially the ones running through water!! mine wont go int tho.... he's a big scardy cat!!
At 11:12am on May 27, 2010, ChrisMarieandPi said…
Your photos of corgi ads crack me up. My husband and I do the same thing.

I was wondering if there was a link of adopting or rescuing corgis on the site. My husband and I are looking for a friend for Pi and we want a rescue corgi but they seem few and far between.
At 5:40pm on May 2, 2010, Leif said…
great advice! borrowed a friends furminator and i think i have abiout 10 lbs less corgi now!
At 3:54pm on April 28, 2010, Leif said…
Sam you seem corgi-wise. One of my corgis is shedding like crazy. I know they always shed but this is insane. I jsut brushed his rear for 20 minutes and you can still get a full hand full of hair jsut by petting his butt. Any ideas?
At 11:37pm on April 18, 2010, LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\ said…
Hi there, i hope Mocha and Vienna are doing great=]
i really enjoy all your pictures, I love all the corgi costumes. sooooo cute
& wooh you take pretty awsome pictures, i love it.
by the way, i was wondering what camara do you use, i was thinking to get a new camara soon & test it on Lobo hehehe, hes my model, hehehe
anyways, take care all. hugs
greetings from Lobo & Arlyn
At 3:45pm on April 18, 2010, Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
I couldn't imagine how you'd find time to do that, as much fun as it is to see and read about all these funny & fabulous corgis. Yet, it seems you always have a nice comment when I post a funny photo of Lucy. Jack, Lucy & I are going to try to get to the specialty and maybe meet up with Doug and Gromit.
Would have been fun to meet up with you and your crew & get to thank you personally for this site.
At 6:20pm on April 17, 2010, Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
PS Mocha and Vienna look as happy in their reindeer antlers as Lucy in her Laker jersey!
At 6:18pm on April 17, 2010, Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
do you moderate all comments? how do you find time? as is, i spend waaay too much time on this site. i just love looking at corgis. you'd think i didn't have any kids! but, they've all left the nest. will you be going to the s. ca. specialty show?
At 6:15pm on April 17, 2010, Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
thanks for your comments about lucy being a cutie. we think you are too. you always say the nicest things and add a spark to the day. ; )
At 12:58am on April 17, 2010, Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) gave Sam Tsang a gift
Thanks Sam for all your work. Hope you like pizza!
At 8:12am on April 9, 2010, Dawn Murray said…
Hey Sam. I just sent the msg to Celeste through here; will send her one through her website as well. Thanks for helping to get the word out there.
Dawn and George
At 2:37am on April 9, 2010, Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
LOL, literally. Your photos are hilarious. What do your four-legged friends think of their photos? Lucy would kill me, but my kids (2-legged variety) would kill me first. They were humiliated when I posted videos of Lucy doing nothing except looking at me and tilting her head. I love the big head on your male. I forget her tiny Lucy is.
PS Your wife is pretty adorable too!
At 2:31am on April 9, 2010, Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Hey Sam, It's me again and thank you for the link to the expose. I just want to thank you for what you do and also comment on the interest that the length of Corgi leg has generated. It's like the gloves are off! haha. I kind of love it. It obviously touches a chord and it's good to discuss this while ooohing and ahhhing the cuteness of every awkward Corgi sleeper. (BTW, whenever the blue meanies take over, I take refuge in looking at all the new photos of awkward corgi sleepers! I love your site!) But, back to pithy comments re. old vs. current Corgi standards, I would encourage those responding to read the Edward Sawhill book, if they haven't already. It addresses a lot of these issues. Have you read it, Sam?

PS What do you make of the emotions pouring out about the standard. Personally, I just don't like misinformation spread that may scare new Corgi owners by other owners promoting their type. It's fine and good to have your own type but it's important to know that liking a type doesn't make other types wrong, prone to illness, etc. The Corgi standard defines the type and any rescuer, buyer can choose what they feel is right for THEM, but not what is necessarily RIGHT for the breed.
At 1:30am on April 8, 2010, Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Hi Sam,

I was wondering where I could find a posting of "Purebreed Dogs Exposed" a video that you posted awhile back, according to Jessica–– Thanks! I have commented so many times about the kindness and sensitivity of your mycorgi site. Yet, somehow the comparisons of Corgis past and present have rattled cages. I know mine got rattled when a few members posted (what I felt to be) misinformation, while seeming to be experts. I just don't want new owners or soon-to-be owners to make judgment based on fancy rather than fact.

Speaking of rattled cages, Lucy was hardly a Zen master during the recent Mexicali earthquake. It rattled my loyal companion big time. She was a mass of quivers & I was barely better trying to comfort her in my shaking lap!
At 1:55pm on March 31, 2010, John Wolff said…
Sam, there's a "favorites" button for photos. Might be useful to have such a feature in the forums to mark good discussions.
A problem with websites is, there's no editors, and things get lost in the huge piles.
At 7:24pm on March 23, 2010, RILEY, MAGGIE and Christine Kemp said…
I find this site very interesting...I spend far too much time looking at all the beautiful corgis and reading the stories that many corgi lovers have (funny and sad). Informative to say the least. What a great service you have provided...a place to ask questions and a place to vent (in a nice way).
At 5:49pm on March 23, 2010, Jackson♥ said…
Wow! The creator of MyCorgi! Thanks for the website its a very good way to show our dogs!
At 10:19pm on March 22, 2010, King Koby of the Treasure Coast said…
Thanks we are very excited!
At 11:56am on March 15, 2010, heather vrachliotis said…
OH MY GOSH!!!! you rock!!!!! thanks

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