Jane Christensen's Comments

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At 12:15pm on August 23, 2009, Deanna said…
The Story of Dooley-- Oh, my goodness! I don't mean to make you all cry! I certainly hope they're tears of happines. I want you all to be happy for Dooley! His saga is continuing every day, as He's the Hero! His story is such a wonderful one that I just can't help writing about him in a way that will cause everyone who has read the blogs to fall in love with him as well.
At 12:12am on August 22, 2009, Vicki and Christina Brown said…
Beautiful Corgi's Jane. I loved all your photos. Thank you for sharing.
At 12:22pm on August 20, 2009, Robin & Gordon said…
Haha, thank you! His "cousin" the German Shepherd was obsessed with him! I don't think he has ever seen anything that small!

Also, thank you for your input on our puppy situations. We figured it was probably normal, but what better place to ask? :)
At 12:28am on August 19, 2009, CJ Rostad said…
After visiting your page again...I see that our kids have a great deal in common. 5 of anything is a lot...You are inspiring!
At 1:32pm on August 15, 2009, Beth said…
Thanks for the nice comment on the thread!

We just came back from looking at an adult. We may be trying her in our home, so I'll be the one needing advice pretty soon!
At 3:38pm on August 14, 2009, Deanna said…
Jane, we're not on each other's friends' page -- yet -- accept request, and then we can email back and forth through MyCorgi!
At 12:31pm on August 10, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
Yep we have Dunn Bros, Caribou, Starbucks, you name it!!! No wonder I'm so hyped up all the time!! Ha,Ha! I'd definitely love to see a pic of Alice and all your other cuties!!!!!!
At 11:09am on August 10, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
Hey Jane, I have a huge cup of coffee right now after a busy weekend!!!! I'm so glad Alice is fine, she sounds so funny charging Wynn and all!!!
At 11:59am on August 9, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
OK, thanks I'll try it out and see if I have any luck!! That's so funny about your goats, what are their names???? Joey and.....
At 12:56pm on August 8, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
I bet you have lots of fun with all the room for the Corgis to run and play!! I recently saw an ad in our paper for a pygmy goat and wanted to get her so bad, but my husband just shakes his head at me!! No room for that, so you are lucky as well!!! By the way how do you get your captions on your pictures?? Is it a program you have??
At 12:48pm on August 8, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
Jane, I would have a tough time picking just one that I like!! Good Luck with that!! My favorites so far are the one with, is it Wynn yawning??? and the one with the 5 of them all lined up so cute!!!
At 12:19pm on August 8, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
yep, I found Deb too!!! I know exactly where Owatonna is. Did you have bad weather over your direction this Summer?? Our lake is not up North, surprisingly it is Lake Zumbro, it has been very clean this year with our cooler weather and the dogs have a blast out there! Are you going to submit a photo for the 2010 calender??? you should!!!
At 11:59am on August 8, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
Hi Jane, we are also in Mn. Edward and Gemima had to comment on your lovely pictures!!! I have to be careful or I too will end up with a 5 Corgi family!!! I just love my two sooooo much!!! How far away is Comfrey from Rochester????
At 10:50am on August 8, 2009, Deb , Gretzky, and Norman said…
Cardigans have tails, right?

Are there special names for the sable colored ones and the multi and black ones?

Are there different personality traits between a Caridgan and a Pembroke?
At 10:20am on August 8, 2009, Deb , Gretzky, and Norman said…
Hi Jane,
Thank you so much for the information on Lick Guard. If he continues to lick today I am going to find some.
I have another question for you. Since you are a breeder, what are the various types of Corgis and what are their traits? I am familiar with just one and would like to know about the others.
At 6:37pm on August 7, 2009, Beth said…
Hi Jane. I was going to send a private message but couldn't figure out how! I want you to know I am sorry for my role in the food thread getting out of hand. I respect your opinions and your knowledge, and agree with many of the things you say. So, very sorry!
At 12:50am on August 7, 2009, Deb , Gretzky, and Norman said…
Hi Jane,

You have a great Corgi family. The babies a sooooo cute. How often do you have litters? I was born in Redwood Falls and grew up in Lamberton. My parents operated photography studios in Lamberton and Springfield. I've lived in the Winona / La Crescent , MN. area for the last 40 years
At 8:41am on August 5, 2009, Ginny and Diggory said…
Thanks for sharing your pictures. Your corgis are beautiful!
At 8:50pm on August 3, 2009, Dolores G. Russell said…
Love your page the corgis seem to be so happy.
At 8:00pm on July 28, 2009, Caroline & Merriam said…
Why thank you! Although I have to say, whatever she becomes will fulfill my wishes, since she has already - in just a few days! - been an amazing part of my life.

Your own Corgi pack is adorable and looks so well-taken care of. I'm impressed to see such a dedicated Corgi mama, and motivated to do even better with my own pup. :)

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