Marcia & MoJo's Comments

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At 3:11am on June 22, 2011, Angela Kau-Forsberg said…
At 10:23am on January 11, 2011, Kari & Quin said…
I can't wait to see your photos as she grows:)
At 1:07am on January 9, 2011, Nancy L Powers said…
Marcia...all three of my corgis are walked without leashes in a neighborhood.  They absolutely know their boundaries, which were taught to them while on a leash.  In the neighborhood they are superstars...they stop at crosswalks until I say "go" then they charge directly across the street to the sidewalk.  They wander off only far enough to go potty, then come back to me.  There have been squirrels, rabbits, ducks and other dogs that have run across their path and into the street and the dogs stop on a dime before nearing the street.  Like I have to train them on the leash.  You have to set the boundaries and they have to be completely sure what those boundaries are before you give them any slack.  You slowly wean them from the leashes and you don't have to look back.  In the first month of this training you will have some setbacks...simply put them back on the leash and let them know you are the boss...This does consistent, firm tone when necessary, but always very positive and encouraging...lots of hugs and smiles at their success...they want to make you proud!
At 2:50pm on January 6, 2011, Nancy L Powers said…
Marcia...what worked for me was a leash.  Inside and outside.  Be consistent for a week or so and your Smart little pumpkin will catch on...they are very smart AND very opinionated, so you need to let them know you are boss...they are very loyal so once they "get" that you are the Alpha dog...they are willing to follow your rules that you laid down...hope this helps.  I also use an annoying little noise by going "AHH" but deep in my throat and frog like...stops my babies in their tracks!  Good luck!  Let me know if this helps!
At 9:41pm on January 2, 2011, Courtney and Zoe said…
You have the most wonderful pictures (and the most beautiful dogs!)!  Thanks for sharing!
At 7:25am on January 2, 2011, Nancy L Powers said…
Oh My Goodness! What an adorable puppy! Please keep posting pics as it grows! Aren't huskies the best playmates? What fun pics! Cute family!
At 8:17pm on December 29, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Haslett is just outside of Lansing. We travel north a lot too in the summer and attend a lot of MSU sports in the winter. I have not had a puppy in a while but I remember how much work they are. However they are sooo cute!
At 9:08am on December 28, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Lol, I always say that as soon as you think they will never get potty trained they suddenly get it! Good luck. I have found that the girls do take a little longer.
At 8:33pm on December 27, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Thanks! I love your puppy!!
At 5:18pm on December 27, 2010, Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn said…

We're happy to be your friends!!! 

At 10:10am on December 22, 2010, WhiteDove gave Marcia & MoJo a gift
LOL. . .as they say, "Never A Dull Moment". . . .
At 3:30pm on December 13, 2010, Angela Kau-Forsberg said…

I have seen Tasha Tudor's work. :) I actually have her Twas the Night Before Christmas book. :)  Thank you for your compliments!

At 2:59pm on December 8, 2010, Maple (owners Alicia n Orlando) said…
Thank u, Maple likes to watch TV, especially Animal Planet lol everytime the animals are off the screen she looks behind the TV wondering where they have gone! It's so funny! Your puppy is too cute!
At 10:46am on December 8, 2010, Dennis Lund said…
Daniel is a year and half now, but still acts as puppy :). Mojo looks very much like he did as a puppy (except for the blue eye). Back when Daniel was three months, we were so shocked that he didn't really shed much. When he was closer to a year, it was like his fluff exploded and there was shedding everywhere, so fair warning!
At 10:30am on December 7, 2010, Dennis Lund said…
Tri fluffs represent! Mojo is beautiful with his happy-go-lucky expressions and his piercing blue eye!
At 10:13pm on December 2, 2010, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 4:22pm on November 7, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
I just love MoJo/Cujo. She's got mischief written all over her. I love the way she's totally unimpressed and not intimidated by big dogs. I'd venture to guess that not much intimidates her! Look out world.

PS You should check out the group "Corgis caught in crime."
At 4:18pm on November 7, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
LOL. I feel your pain!
At 3:46pm on November 7, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
We have a rescue corgi, Rafa, 7 mo. old male tri. He's a handful, too! What a craaazy puppy. Then we have Lucy, a 4 yr. old red and white who's the perfect lady and a foil for Rafa. We love our corgi puppies fat and sassy! Actually when Lucy was little she was Lucy/Lucifer.
At 5:23pm on November 6, 2010, Angel & Travis said…
She's beautiful! Puppies sucker me to do anything. *sob* lol

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