Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane Christensen Oct 27, 2013. 4 Replies 0 Likes
I'd like to know your corgi obsession thoughts!Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Emily & Scout May 1, 2012. 22 Replies 0 Likes
Hi all! So I like to take Maple to the dog park to play around, but which side should she be playing on? When she is with the little dogs she ends up being the big bully lol! But I'm afraid she will…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Kerry Stewart May 31, 2011. 22 Replies 0 Likes
Hi all! We are so excited that Maple will be reaching her 1 year birthday this coming Sunday! Yay! She is so entertaining and makes us laugh all the time. My question is, when will she start acting…Continue
Posted on May 9, 2014 at 1:56pm 6 Comments 1 Like
Maple is a good sleeper lol... it was so funny last night because she must have been in her REM sleep and having an exciting dream! She was growling, barking and kicking in her sleep! She'd wimper, and then back to growling was so cute and funny :) I have never seen her in such an active sleeping state but it definitely was adorable.
Is this normal?
Tell me about your experiences with this! I'd love to hear them. Thanks for posting!
Posted on January 2, 2014 at 4:47pm 9 Comments 1 Like
Posted on July 27, 2013 at 7:12pm 3 Comments 0 Likes
Hi everyone,
I noticed today that Maple had what looks like filaments, or long thick hair growing from her two back paw pads. First we thought it might be a fungal infection and after doing some research online and looking at some pictures, it sounds like she might have Nasodigital Hyperkeratosis, an ailment that occurs in dogs paws and nose. Apparently excess keratin grows and creates a fuzzy hair like growth on the paw pad.
Have any of you experienced this with your dog? If…
ContinuePosted on June 6, 2013 at 5:59pm 11 Comments 0 Likes
The day I brought Maple home, I was so anxious to have the excitement of a cute puppy running around the house. She was rambunctious in every way but I totally loved it and her. She would tear apart anything I would give her in minutes! She had never ending energy, always wanting to play with others or herself. She never had a problem keeping herself entertained! Boy, I miss those days!
Maple turned 3 years old last month, and her bday gift was a new chew toy. Which is still…
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Hi - thank you so very much!! He is the most amazing little guy...I am so smitten with him...we're best buds. It is amazing, when I started reading about the cancer, so many things just jumped out at me as common sense regarding diet - I was mad at myself for never questioning it before that. He's doing very well. I had a REALLY tough time with the diagnosis. He has so much love to give, now I just say thank you for giving us another day together when I rest my head. He has been one of my greatest learning adventures...I would have never expected that I would be so attached to him and that we would be able to read each other so well.
I'm glad that you had a positive experience with the cooked food too. The company changed the name from K-9 Critical Care to Healthy's been great. Would definitely recommend it to anyone.
Thank you so much for reading our journey, some days are a little tough, but my life is so much better knowing he found the very best family for him and he is loved more than words can say... :)
What a pretty little girl.
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