Hi all! We are so excited that Maple will be reaching her 1 year birthday this coming Sunday! Yay! She is so entertaining and makes us laugh all the time. My question is, when will she start acting like a grown doggy? When will her puppy characteristics fade? I like it when she is playful, however, others may not like it so much. Kinda wondering when she will calm down a little bit lol. Also, wondering when she is going to be fully grown in size. She is about 27 lbs now.


Your thoughts, please! =)

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My babies seemed to gain a little more self control when they turned 2.  But that does not mean that they are not still full of fun and mischief!  Ane they are more then ready to take advantage of a situation!  (Especially if food is involved!!)
Happy Birthday Maple!
Happy Birthday Maple. Hope you get lots of treats and love today and always. Your are a cutie pie!
THANK U! She got a new bone! =)
Happy Birthday Maple,,,,,,,,,,,,,These boys from North Carolina think you are a  sweet lookin girl.
Awww, thank u!
My male reached mature size at about 18 months....however, he still acts like a puppy....No joke!
Paisley just turned 2, and I think she is about as long and tall as she is going to get. All of the other corgis I know though, "filled out" some and got a bit chunkier after the age of 2 until about 3. As for growing up, Paisley seems to be getting some self control, but still has her crazy puppy moments all of the time. She is particularly high energy though... The other corgis in the family started to be more grown up around 3 and 4, although they are all still playful.
Our Bailey will be 10 in June and still has puppy moments! I can't believe how much Maple looks like her!


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