Oooooo Some people get to me... train your dog.

Seriously.. I've heard this from many people on here but I've never personally have had a bad issue in a dog park yet...

And then this woman brings "Shakira" in tonight.

Roxi is great with big dogs.. her best friend here is a big white husky.. So when this black.. husky.. thing came in she got all excited.. until it got aggressive in which normally I let them handle the issue because since now.. usually the dogs have taken care of it with a few nips a growl or two and they chase one another like nothing happened the end.

Nooo no... Roxi gave warnings... Roxi gave nips... which ment to this dog "Toy Toy Toy Toy!"

while this woman chased her dog that wasn't listening to her call backs or anything going "We talked about this! I'll take you out! *she didn't...* Shakira! Shakira! Shakira! Shakira! Shakira! Shakira!"

By the time her dog was aggressive with most of the dogs in there people were mumbling *not so quietly* about how she should leave and train her dog.

Yet for some reason her dog was obsessed with poor Roxi in which finally I picked her up, said goodnight to everyone *my neighbors laughing because they understood* and left. If she wasn't going to figure it out I wasn't going to let Roxi get hurt from her stupidity.

.... this is mostly a frustrated post since we were all having a good time until this dog showed up. It wasn't exactly her dog being aggressive that bothered me.. it was how she handled it. I hope no one got hurt tonight after I left.

Im sorry but speaking to your dog like its human across the field while its chasing my dog doesn't cut it...
feebly going "Shakira! Leave the poor Corgi alone!" doesn't cut it...

ohhhh and if that dog hurt Roxi... ooooo... poor lady... I can be respectful.. well mannered... but I let you know what I'm thinking real fast once that lines crossed.. and its hard to cross that line.

and sorry for the horrible grammar/typing/readability.

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Comment by Tina on September 30, 2008 at 10:41am
I could use a bit of advice in this topic. We have had Ein for about 4 months. He's been through one obedience training and will start his second one tomorrow. My worry is that what I see as agressive, seems like normal dog behavior to my husband. We had Ein playing with the neighbor's lab last week. Well, the lab kept using her legs and pining Ein. Ein got frustrated so he started nipping at the labs mouth (I assume showing him that he didn't like it. The lab backed off a bit, but Ein didn't.

Then, we had taken Ein to a small meet & greet with other Corgis. Somebody had a small 4 month old Corgi, and Ein was just playing too agressively with her. So we picked up Ein until he calmed down. He eventually left the little corgi alone and played with another dog who wanted to play on the same level, but it still worries me.

The other instance is after Ein had healed from being neutered. A neighbor brought her 4 month old Viszla to play in our yard (the first dog in our yard besides Ein) and Ein just wouldn't let up on her. He kept trying to jump on her, pin her and I assume play. But the puppy was just whining and kept trying to hide. So, Lucy (the Viszla) left because Ein was too agressive.

Any ideas on what I can do? Ein can sit, down, looks at you when you call his name, comes somewhat reliably when you call his name. But I don't know what else I can do.
Comment by Avyon on September 26, 2008 at 6:29pm
But that's a good thing Katie. You're actually one of the good owners working to better their dogs so they can come and play nicely and have more of a good time.
Comment by Katie on September 24, 2008 at 5:23pm
I should clarify- I have the rude aggressive, undersocialized dog! :O My dog trainer recommended that I keep my dogs away from the dog park. We are working on gradually introducing him to new dogs in a safe, healthy environments so that he learns how to have well-mannered, healthy interest in meeting new dogs.
Comment by Sarah C. on September 24, 2008 at 11:12am
I don't think it's necessary to stay away from dogparks completely. You're going to meet a few rude dogs, a few aggressive dogs, but for the most part it's a great opportunity to expose yourself and your dog to a variety of situations, smells, and playmates.
Even when things go wrong, you learn what to look out for in others and in dogs, and that kind of knowledge goes far; off the leash and on.
Comment by Katie on September 24, 2008 at 10:46am
My dog trainer recommended that I stay away from dog parks.
Comment by FuzzyButt on September 24, 2008 at 6:49am
I find that in a lot of these cases it is normally the owner not the dog that is the problem. What the hell does she mean 'we talked about this?' There is no talking to a dog in a way that they will understand, unless there is a treat or action from you involved. That's called training.

She needs a sound diversion "call back," something like a whistle. If the dog doesn't respond to its name then this is the next best thing. Chasing her dog around is just a game to them, and they won't come back. If you ever catch this lady again you can try to give her some friendly advice.

I handle most situations the way you do. Let the dogs deal with it, and work things out. Or I try to catch things before they happen. I keep an eye on Banzai like a hawk. I call him before he pushes his boundaries.
Comment by Avyon on September 23, 2008 at 11:37pm
Yea I read about that :( Im so happy it wasn't really serious.. though i think we all agree nothing hurt would have been better.

In a very sad way (mostly for the people these people encounter) I don't think they'll understand until their dog gets hurt or someone seriously lays it down on them... either a harsh talk or charging them for something going wrong :/
Comment by Avyon on September 23, 2008 at 10:23pm
No I agree. Thinking back to it I should have taken Roxi away sooner then I did but it was because I'm used to the initial first meet, jumping around making some noise then running off and playing. Reading back it does sound like I meant throwing around actual biting for a bit which isn't acceptable at all and that's what it turned into.

I meant the nose pokes and the little noises really while they figure out whatever dogs do the first time they come into the park every time. Some big dogs just play a little too rough and Roxi has given those two little warning nose pokes (not even touching) and they're fine after that. I call it the "IM NOT A TOY" move.

This dog just would not leave her be and yes if the lady shows up again I will most likely have a word with her.

I agree CC I just don't think people understand or care that their dogs can harm other dogs and other humans truthfully.
Comment by CaptainCorgi on September 23, 2008 at 8:04pm
Ugh, I hate people like that. Why the heck do they bring their dog aggressive, eve if it semi-aggressive, dog around other dogs? It flabbergasts me so much. I'm so glad your Roxi didn't get hurt. My little Eowyn gets picked on a lot by other dogs. We leave the dog park and she sopping wet with dog slobber because they play to rough with her. People just don't care.

I remember when we took my sister Borzoi for the first time to the dog park and this lady had this out of control labrador and boxer. When we opened the door, the two dogs flew in and tackled my sis' Borzoi to the ground and pinned him there. Like, nice first impression. I told the lady that she needed to get her dogs under control, but she didn't care. And there was another lady that had a huge German Shepherd that was chasing Vladimir (the borzoi) around the dog park and actually bit his hind leg so hard Vlad cried. The lady wasn't firm with her shepherd at all.

I just don't think people care. I hope you don't run into "Shakira" again!
Comment by Alla on September 23, 2008 at 7:52pm
I think next time you might want to act BEFORE Roxi gets hurt, not IF..
Hope you never meet her anymore!

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