I just found this forum. What an awesome place!
We've had our pem Gizmo since he was 6 months old. He is almost 4 now. And we still can't break him from going nuts when company comes over. He jumps all over them, does his Corgi speak, grabs toys and brings to them.
We tried holding him to keep him from doing it, kenneling him when they come over(all he does is bark then), sharp and firm NO! But he still does it.
After about 15-30 minutes he finally calms down. He is never aggressive. It seems he just loves to be around people and wants to play with them.

Anyone have any advice?

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Have him sit before anyone plays with him. If you meet a stranger on a walk have him sit before they pet him. You should be able to kennel him no problem, what you need to do is to have people over and kennel him and once he is quiet and good let him out and give him a treat and some playtime (even a few minutes) then put him in and repeat. I do this occasionally when I need to do some dishes or something, and he used to bark and go nuts, but now he is pretty good in the kennel.
You'll need to enlist the help of your friends. Trust me, your friends can be harder to train than Gizmo is! Before company comes over, tell them that when they arrive, they are not to look at, speak to, or pet Gizmo. Hand them a few dog treats at the door (Make sure they don't eat the treats...they are for the dog.) Keep Gizmo on leash when opening the door so he cannot jump when they walk in. Have your guests come in and sit down. You may speak to each other, but not to Gizmo. Have Gizmo sit, then let him off leash when he is sitting calmly. If/when Gizmo jumps on them, ask them to stand up and turn their back on him until he sits. When he sits, they can sit down and tell him "Good boy" and give him a treat. At any point that Gizmo jumps, they need to stand up and turn their back on him. After he has quit jumping, they can pet him if they like (but must quit if he starts jumping again). Most of your friends will probably think this is more trouble than having him jump for 15-30 minutes, but it's about the only way for him to treat guests with the same respect he shows you.

My next door neighbors so far have been impossible to train. They love to encourage Charlie to jump up on them and then get him even more excited by talking to him in really high, excited voices, petting him exhuberantly, kissing him on the muzzle, etc. Next time I'm going to put them in a crate for time out until they learn how to behave around my dog. ...sigh...
"Next time I'm going to put them in a crate for time out until they learn how to behave around my dog. ...sigh..."

That could be said for alot of people I know!
Thanks for the tips. Yes, the guests love to get him going. He seems to be more calm if they come over often. He is just like that lion in the Disney movie, the one that would always get excited and scream "Ohhhh People! I love the people!"
My suggestion would be to make sure he is getting good socialization outside the home and plenty of exercise. If these needs are being met my next plan would be to put him on lead when a visitor comes. Ask them to please not look or address him as he is in training. Practice your sit/stay several times daily. When someone arrives put him in a sit/stay and be vigilent about maintaining it. Keep him on lead until it is obvious that he has calmed. Have your guests continue to ignore him until he settles off lead. They may then give him a gentle pet if he comes to them. Stick to your guns. Many dogs get excited about visitors...it is only a matter of teaching the desired behavior, being consistent and having your visitors respect your training desires. Good luck!
yes i have to admit Bailey is defintely this type of dog - wants everyone to pet him, rub his belly, etc, when they come over. He's the kind to pounce of people when tehy walk by - no barking though. just that his nub of a tail goes CRAZYYYYYYY from side to side and he stares. He's OK if the other person does not look at him, but boy when a stranger makes eye contact - he leaps like crazy. I tell him to sit.. which he does but then gets right back up!

were working on it! and will use some tips here in the forum!!!
Gizmo just loves people! He wants to love on everyone. He is completely different around babies and toddlers though. It's as if he knows to not jump on them. he just lays beside them and follows them around.
yea bailey's better around my cousins than my friends. i think he senses it too. =P either that or maybe on that particular day he was tired... i need to set up some more playdates with my cousins to be sure! but yes, he is such a sweetheart though - just too much excitement..... and boy does he go crazy during puppy class.

my situation is a little different too - sure I'd like for him to meet all the dogs in the world .. but he hasn't had all his shots yet, so we're pretty much limited to family and the dogs in puppy class once a week - so that means he gets VERY excited every sunday for puppy class cause thats the only time of the week he sees other dogs - except in passing when we go to potty outside.

but... come the end of this month -well be free to explore the world together!!a nd first thing were doing is visiting all my friends that have dogs.. then going to a corgi meetup in mid-june! haha
Oh my, I have the same problem with my corgi. She goes nuts when guests come over. First off, I start from not letting her do it to us. (Because a lot of people let their dog do it to them and not to other people, then the dog gets confused) But, it's been a long road and she still goes nuts, but that as bad as before. I make her sit down and everytime she gets up to greet the person, make her sit again and again and again. When she jumps up, I pull her leash gently down for she's on all fours, then make her sit. I would also ask the people to ignore the corgi until he is calm THEN pet him and greet him. Because when people talk in a high pitched voice to an already hyper corgi, then it just escalates and the dog go even more crazy, Lol!

I think corgis are just people dogs literally, they love their people! Good luck!


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