I just got Barney neuted 4 days ago. He was 8 months old, surgery went well but he was very irritated with his bottom after I brought him back. 
He started whine and lick his bottom constantly that the stitches area swell! He even had the 'cone of shame' on.. I had to call the vet emergency hotline because his whole private area was red! Vet told me to come down the next day to switch to a larger cone cause the current cone is shorter than his muzzle hence he was able to reach and lick his stitches.. She told me to put on an old Tshirt for Barney so he won't be able to lick his stitches but Barney kept wriggling out of it. 
It kept me worried and awake the whole night!!

The next day I got his cone changed and his tounge wasnt able to come in contact with his stitches! The vet even plaster his stitches because the licking opened up the wound a little. 
I even got saline to dap and clean the area.. 

Barney couldn't walk very well now, he would sit down and attempt to lick his bottom after a few steps. And he does it rather violently.... I think it's itchy down there. 
When he pee, instead of squatting like he used to.. He just sat down and pee On the floor and onto his 2 front paws... Is this normal?

I also realized that the infected area where his balls used to be, turned dark red. Like a blood clot under the skin.. Is it normal? Should I be worried? 
Because he seems to itch there and since he could not reach it by 'licking' he uses his cone to 'scratch & rub' that area (bloody smart, i know) :(
Will this constant friction of cone rubbing against where his testicles used to be cause inflammation or something?

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I would buy him a soft cone or one of those blow up ones so he cannot touch the stitches. It's very bad to have him scratching at the incision site and yes it can cause inflammation and further complications.
The sutures themselves may be a bit tight, causing his violent reactions. When the animal moves around the sutures may be pulling on the skin causing him to react the way he is. Also most surgery sites tend to become itchy and cause the animal to want to lick or pull out the sutures. If he is able to scratch the area with his e-collar you need to invest in one of the blow up kind like Jane mentioned so he can't do it. Ripped or pulled out sutures will only cause you more trouble and it sounds like you have enough going on right now! As far as the reddened scrotal area, that is pretty normal and no real cause for concern, bruising and swelling around the surgery site and the scrotum is very common after neutering. The trauma of the surgery itself is usually the culprit and will normally go away within a couple of weeks. Hope this helps!
Never seen a blow up collar here before but I'll try to find a soft cone. 
His stitches seems better today, how many days should I have the cone on?
Until the stitches come out.

After neutering, one of my dogs got razor burn in the shaved area and subsequent licking caused a severely inflamed, itchy skin infection. (He was terribly uncomfortable and trying to get at the area all the time, too.) The vet prescribed a steroid for the itching and antibiotics, and after a day, it had nearly cleared up.


I used a soft cone for my dog (unfortunately he'd already licked the area by the time we got it). He wore the cone until the area was completely healed (fuzz had started to grow back in).


If Barney is obviously itchy and unable to stop trying to get at the area (especially if the area is red and inflamed and possibly oozing), call your vet. They can give him something to help. So sorry. :(


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