My husband and I are getting ready for our first corgi, and we're getting supplies for him. We're stuck on what type of bowls to get for our Bento. Should we go with plastic? Stainless steel? Ceramic? Bamboo? Two attached bowl combo set? Extra sets? A particular brand?
Walking down the aisle with the bowls is a bit overwhelming. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
All the ceramic ones are made in china and with the scares on lead paint and the like, I really don't trust it.
And plastic bowls used to make my old cat's chin break out (common with cats). That, combined with the fact that damaged plastic tends to leach out into liquids, makes me stick with the stainless.
We used Louis XIV bone china porcelain soup tureens from Tiffany's because Gwynnie insists she's one of Queen Elizabeth's dogs, kidnapped from Buckingham Palace as a puppy, but it's expensive, and keeps getting chipped -- the footman complained of having to keep gluing the broken handles -- so we've gone stainless steel.
Stainless skitters across the floor without nonskid rubber pads glued to the bottom, and the glue holds imperfectly. A good solution is a nonskid rubber floor mat -- a mouse pad might do.
A useful security device is a HUGE heavily dog-gnawed bowl with some macho name like "Spike" on it; leave that outside the back door with a heavy dog chain.
Paisley has fiestaware too! They are much cheaper than a fancy ceramic dog bowl but are still very safe, since they are safe enough for me! They are also dishwasher safe and look great! I find the shallower cereal bowl makes a good food bowl while the deeper one makes a nice water bowl. I don't think any of my guests would mind the fact that our dog has human dishes... if they did, I think they would be more put off by the corgi and two cats trying to sit on their lap more.
I used to use a large tupperware bowl for the dogs until Emme realized that she could pick it up and play with it wether it was empty of full. I know have a large cast iron dutch oven cooking pot for the kids! It was the only thing I had heavy enough to keep the little brat from spilling water all over my kitchen!
I once tried the type that you attach a 2 litre bottle to and had to give up on that one too. Our one cat likes to watch the water move so we would find it halfway across the kitchen in the morning with water all over the place.
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