How to stop Frodo from nipping my feet while we are walking?

Hi everyone,
It is almost a week since our little Frodo came to our home. He is doing very well and we love him so much.
There is one problem, though. When my husband and I take him for a little walk outside, or even when we are walking inside our house, he often trys to bite us on our feet or shoes, just seems he wants to stop us from moving. It is never real bite, though, and we are sure he is just playing. But we think it is a bad behavior, especially considering when he grows up. I know corgi is a herding dog. Probably this kind of behavior is from their instinct. Does anyone know how to train him not to do that? Thanks a lot!

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Very typical puppy behavior. If he is in the yard try to redirect this behavior toward toys....throw a ball or other toy and encourage him to get it. If he is on lead I would direct him away from your foot and use the command "leave it" With pups I also use the term "ah ah" frequently. This is to get their attention, usually works good. Then offer them an alternative for the undesired behavior.
Our breeder gave us two words of advice about heel nipping, she said that you must stop it immediately when they are pups. She gave us two ways to do it: 1. fill a spray bottle with water, keep it with you when you know he's going to nip at your heels, spray him quickly, try not to let him see it, so it comes as more of a surprise. It definitely worked for Kiwi, she never knew where the water came from, but she didn't like being sprayed in the face. 2. Try dragging something else behind you, like a towel or blanket, the pup will normally grab onto that instead of your shoes or heels. Hope these help a little bit. Good luck!
We did the water bottle spray as well, like Carlie said, you want to let the pup know it is an unwanted behavior.
everytime neeka did it i held her down by her bum/neck on her side, said no and didn't give her attention for a few minutes after. she was so bad she used to rip the back of my jeans, but she only did it to me. but by being consistant i broke the habit within a week or two and she hasnt done it since.
Thanks a lot, guys. I will try all your suggestions, especially the water bottle spray, sounds like fun :-)
Well being herding dogs it's totally normal. I remember when Eowyn was a pup she use to do that to us all the time. We just told her no everytime, but she mainly just stopped it by herself as she got older. She never did it to us when we took her on walks though, just around the house. She only does it now if we run and she nips at our heels but not too hard, just gentle nips. I would just give him consistant 'no's and such. And if on a walk, tug his leash away from you gently. Good luck!


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