HELP! -----


My five month old Corgi is a terror when he's being bathed, his ears are being cleaned and when his nails are being trimmed! I have no idea what to do at this point.  He barks and cries and yelps so loud that I'm afraid that my neighbors will think I'm beating him.

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Hi Lani, it's in the FAQ
For nail-trimming, enlist an assistant to calm and reassure him.  Be careful not to cut the quick at this early stage; cut often, cut little.  He'll get used to it.  See FAQ.  You shouldn't have to bathe often.
We would never get any grooming done without peanut butter- an idea that we got from the FAQ that Sam recommends. 
It's the FAQ about nail trimming.
take time every day and play with his ears and feet while giving lots of treats and praise. Go through the motions of a nail trim without actually trimming any nails (i.e. lay him down, bring out the trimmers/dremel, pretend you are clipping, etc) work up to actually touching the nails with the clippers, etc. Don't do any trimming until he will lay calmly while you play with his feet. I had a chihuahua who used to scream bloody murder and took 2 people to trim her nails and I worked with her slowly and patiently and now I can just plop her on her back and trim all 4 feet without a peep. I still give lots of treats after each nail is trimmed so she has now associated a nail trim with a total treat fest. I recently bought a dremel and that has helped a lot bc there isn't much risk of hitting the quick. I recently read if you bathe them in a tub, rub a bit of peanut butter around the tub and they will be so busy licking it off they won't pay much attention to the fact that they are being bathed.
Ear cleaning is easy......just get another corgi.  My boys are constantly licking each others ears.
Thanks so much everyone.  Our vet has two corgis and told me that his are the same way.  He's only difficult with ear cleaning when I put the ear solution in, after that, he loves having his ears rubbed as I clean them.  He has a mind of his own and he's not afraid to voice his opinion!
Mine do good with nail trimming if they are allowed to stand rather than be put on their back.  I have them done at my vet, and the techs let them stand on the table and pick up the feet.  When they tried to hold them down the fight was nearly to the death, and finally the smart tech tried the standing method and now i have not problems with nail work.
YES ear cleaning is easy with two. My cocker must have his ear inspected and cleaned daily and he tries to get out of it. He loves the attention until he hears "get the Qtips". But my male corgi loves to get ears cleaned, he will get on the bed and put his head on the pillow. I just get the outside of the ear but he loves it and when Moose sees the attention he gets he will not fuss as much. Also has a lot to do with the groomer that they go to.
She has trained them so well. Thanks Amy.

Seanna was horrible when we got her.  Total drama queen.  I just sat every day with her and touched her ears, looked at her teeth, and did a mini-exam like the vet would.  After each time I touched, she got a little treat.  Once she learned to trust me, it was no big deal.  She does great now.  One thing that saved us with her nails--the obedience class we went to had us flip them over on their backs between our legs...gave treats to keep them there.  That allowed me to have her calm so we could do her nails.  I still do this with her. 

When we got Jackson, he wouldn't let us near his nails with a 10-foot pole.  It was a HUGE struggle.  We started with just one nail at a time (I dremel), with huge praise and treats.  It took us almost a month of every day work, but we finally got him to the point where he trusts us to do them.  It just takes alot of patience....and a stern "No" every now and then.


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