Penny is 6 months old and we still can not give her a bed to lay in at night because she always pees in it! When we first got her at 3 months of age and gave her a blanket to lay on she also peed on this. We just dismissed it as accidents and figured she was too young to have the blanket if she was still having accidents. Now that she is 6 months I thought I could give her the blanket again. About an hour after I gave it to her, I came back to check on her and she was sleeping at one end of the blanket and there was pee at the other end!!! I dont know why she does this. She is otherwise doing very well with her house training and doesn't have many accidents at all. Any suggestions? I feel bad not giving her a bed or blanket to lay on.

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This is really a pretty common response for a pup. Most of my dogs dont "earn" a bed or special blanket until they are well over a year old for the very same reason. In my home I have mostly tile. As they are learning I notice that primarily if they are to soil it is on a throw rug or the bedroom carpet. Not certain but I wonder if they find this "different" texture much like going outside is different texture. Cant be positive but may be why.
I agree with Sam, my dogs are now 5 and 6 years old, but when they were under 1, they didn't hold as well if there was a blanket in their crate. But after 1 year old and accident free for a few months, they were able to sleep on their blanket without any accident since.
about the texture thing, i have heard to that the reason for peeing on carpet and rugs instead of tile or wood is because dogs intuitively try to find surfaces that are more absorbant. which i suppose is a good thing if you are outside and the grass is nice and absorbant, but not so much if its carpet. :D
im guessing you trained on puppy pads....ive been there, she peed on anything on the floor all the time. shes about 11 months now and last month peed on our bedding (for the first time in over two months) what i did was throw away all her beds, every one, and gave her new blankets (well not new, old ones we had in boxes) and folded them so it was just enough for her to lie on, that way she wouldnt pee on it, and i didnt let her sleep in bed with us for a long time. only her blankets on the ground. other than that she kinda grew out of it
Cruise...(5 months) seems to pee on Tiki (~19 months) 's bed....not sure if it is a "marking" thing or not...but for some reason we clean her bed and then he makes it a point to pee on her bed...once he does it he will be fine and use a pee pad if we are out all day or hold it until we get home.
Thanks for the advice!! We will wait until Penny is completely house trained until she gets her bed :-)


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