Today was Yogi's first day at puppy training at our local
Petsmart. We thought today would be a breeze since he sits and watches on command without treats and understands "no" and "come".
We get there 15mins late unfortunately and this is when the madness begins. As soon as he figures out we're headed to
Petsmart he goes nuts. He loves Petsmart!! So we head into the class and by that time hes going crazy. A room packed with ppl and puppies is just what Yogi loves. For the entire hour, Yogi just wanted to play. He excited all the dog around us and maybe sat still for 1 minute a few times ..I guess when he was tired. While all the other dogs (mostly toys, & poodle mixes) either sat around and stayed calm, Yogi and the Choc Lab he kept bothering never paid attention while the instructor. I was SOOO embarrassed and disappointed. Yogi knew most of these commands but he just wanted to play and could careless. When the trainer did come over to him to try an example he did very well, once she left it was back to the usual.
The trainer recommended that he gets more playtime and that she understands his age (12wks on Wed) restricts him from going to doggie parks and camps. Yogi has 2 dog friends and we see them every weekend when possible. But during the week its just with mommy and daddy. Even when he meets new ppl or sees our neighbors he goes nuts. It's all about play for Yogi.
Im hoping he behaves better in the upcoming classes :-s