Hey guys! Been a long time since I've posted in here.


Long story short - I have two Pembrokes, a female named Hachi (almost 3yrs old) and Jett (about 10months old).

I have 3 questions.


1) Hachi tends to bark and chase other dogs chasing balls at the park. she has no interest in the ball, just chasing the dog!

Does anyone else's corgi do this? and any suggestions on stopping it? she's not aggressive or anything - but its getting to the point its annoying some of the other dog owners =/


2) Jett (the male pup), has had this problem with being dominant - borderlining aggression to smaller dogs / puppies (especially beagle puppies - i have no idea why). He's pretty good with bigger and older dogs, and other times, he's a very friendly, happy, active chap who loves playing with hachi at home. Since he was only showing these signs to smaller dogs and puppies, i thought maybe it was his hormones playing up , so i decided to give the chemical implant a go, which is meant to last 6 months. Its been a week now, and he's done a total 180 at home. He's really calmed down, but not as affectionate anymore :( at the park though - he's still being dominating/aggressive (although a bit better than before)

Anyone else tried this implant? I think its called Suprelorin(?).If so - what was their behavior outcome?


3) Any suggestions for controlling his bad behaviour at the park? (yes i have been watching cesar millan - but just wondering if anyone has any other techniques.)




Sorry if this discussion has already been answered - if so, could someone post the link? thanks!



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When you see him/her do the undesirable behavior I would immediately catch him and put him on leash. Don't call him to you, just calmly walk over and snap the leash on. Make him walk around with you for a few minutes and settle down before being allowed to play again. Keep in mind some dogs are just not well suited for dog parks, many of the dogs will be over-excited and just not well mannered and that doesn't usually bring out the best in our own dogs.


I've never heard of the implant but I believe it takes around a month for the hormones to fade out with a standard neuter.

yeah not sure if its been allowed elsewhere around the world?


i've tried snapping the lead on but not sure if it gets the point accross to him. but i'll try again and make it consistent this time.


i have noticed he's particularly bad when the dog he is meeting/greeting is overly excited or scared. 0_0


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