My 4month old Corgi was quick to be housebroken; he hardly ever
has accidents in the house, and goes to the bathroom outside 90% of the time. However, he does what we call the "defiance pee." He is a highly energetic puppy and is constantly asking for our attention. He bites our hands and legs
constantly. We try the 'ignore him' method when he bites us to get
our attention, but when we ignore him, he will walk away and pee on
the carpet. We know it's not because he needs to go, because
most of the time only a little trickle comes out.

Has anyone else experienced this, and has suggestions on how
to prevent this defiance pee?

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wow i have never heard of that. my dog does pretty well too, except recently he has decided he does not want to hold it and has been peeing in weird positions other than standing up. like when he is sitting or lying down on his side....i thought dogs couldnt pee unless they were standing so it was quite a shock.
I don't have an answer to your problem, but I have to say that the phrase "Defiance pee" makes me laugh. I have to work that into a sentence somewhere . . .
I haven't seen a "defiance pee" since my last black cat, Daemith... though with him it was more "defiance defecation" usually in front of the door of my roommate when he chose to close his bedroom door -- a room that had previously been Daemith's domain!

Thing is... if what Cesar Milan says is true...and dogs live in the moment... that sort of defiance probably isn't what is going through your puppy's mind.

If anything... he sounds bored. Honestly... I don't think any human is energetic enough to give a corgi puppy as much as he would LIKE in the way of attention... so we are stuck with either playing with them the entire time they're out or you crate him when you can't give him 100% of your attention.

I'm sure Rolo would be the same way if I didn't take him for 2 long walks (er... runs) a day and totally wore his little tail-less bum OUT.

Maybe it is just an exercise thing... and he needs more?

It's been said a million times here if it's been said once: "A tired puppy is a good puppy." :D
You got my vote here :) I also belief that dogs live in the moment, so exercise will be my answer as well.
Thanks for all of your comments. I agree with your suggestions about the exercise; Will definitely try to burn him out.
While he may have been doing well at 4 months old I can assure you he was not totally housebroken. He may be well asking to go outside and ignoring him gives him no other option. If you know what he is going to do then you also know that you can quickly get him outside to reinforce his training. While dogs are indeed smart they are not in to "revenge" as you describe. I suspect heneeds more exercise and interactions with you.It is a good time to start learning to play games, a retrieval game inside is easy, keeps him focused and you can still sit and relax. Would also be a good time to look into a training class.
Good point on the "leaving him no other option". Humans have no problems sticking to a pee schedule, but puppies...when they gotta...they gotta!

I have a really long kitchen/laundry room area and get Rolo in on a hot game of fetch with TWO balls. Throw one... he brings it back in his mouth... as soon as he brings it back and drops it (on command), I throw the other... he fetches that and drops it, and I throw the first ball again. It's a fast and furious repeat until he drops at my feet with little back legs splayed!

So even when I'm exhausted from work, I don't have to move an INCH but he runs the 30 foot sprints and has ...well... a BALL ;)
Yes i understand you. That happens with my oldest Jack. if anything he would prefer to be the only one. when he gets jealous of the other dogs he will go and pee on the bathroom rugs or in the other dogs bowls. He got his name Jack for being a jackass and it fits perfectly. But yeah they want attention 24/7. and if the dont get it they tear things up or pee on things where they know you will notice!


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