Mocha is the Jedi master in the house, his force is strong and not a whole lot of things in life can rattle him. His only nemesis is the Darth "blender".

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Timmy hates the paper shredder!
Dogs commenting outside, and she is intensely afraid of empty water bottles, she hates the crackly noise. Some toys have this inside and Kiki does NOT like it!
Penny goes crazy when the vacuum gets turned on. She also goes nuts when she sees someone roller blading or riding their bike! Sometimes she goes crazy and dances around her food as well.
Do you not just love the little food dance?? Dundee is a master at it. Little Cody is starting to dance now, too. It's wonderful to see that 13 y.o. get happy!
Hoogie's enemy is the umbrellas. Intrestingly, before his puppy aptitude testing, he was perfectly fine with umbrellas! Wierd, huh? When he sees us open an umbrella, he barks(the "I'm Gonna Get You!" one) and follows the person holding the umbrella constantly barking. We have no idea why, though.
Any loud noises. Most notably when his brother barks incessantly at his ears. The chases and fights can last for over an hour
Kona's mortal enemy is the blow dryer... she knows my morning routine and gets into attack mode before I even get th blow dryer out. She also hates the electric mixer. Maybe the noise hurts her giant radar ears.
ok thats pretty funny lol! I can just imagine the umbrella!
OH my there are so many things that get them going lets see:

Any shiny reflections
The vacuum
The hose
Other Dogs when seen through the window
Cell Phone noises (rings and vibrations)
Our Neighbors Motorcycle
Our turtles (the always try to break in the fence to jump in the pond after them)
Laser pointers
The Camera Flash
When someone runs through the house!
Oh this reminds me...

Sadie also doesn't like the camera flash... to the point that she goes bonkers when we switch the camera ON... just the sound of it charging is enough to get her going.
Well it hasn't made him completely bonkers but the vaccum upsets him. Today was our first test of it and him. He ran halfway up the first flight of stairs, looked back down really worriedly and then bolted up the second half and ran all the way down the hall to layton's room and under the bed, as far away as he could possibly get. It made me feel bad so I had to stop and go up to give him some love.

He also has a problem with the grass sprinkler system when it's going. Makes him run right back in the house when he gets hit with it. I think that's more of an annoyance though with his dislike of water that's anywhere other than in his water bowl where it should be.
Roxy goes batty at the sound of the ice dispenser on the fridge, and she protects us from the Evil Broom of Death every time I try to sweep... She also keeps us very safe from our cats. It's a full time job.


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