Hello guys,


I was wondering if anyone knows what my dog has on his nose? Nikon has had this for about 3-4 weeks now. He is usually out doors when I am at school. Then I started to notice his nose all pink and burnt!!! I took him to the vet and he was prescribed Prenisone 20.

I also bought an ez up canopy to give extra shade from the sun in the backyard and purchased some sensitive skin sunblock and placed it on his nose when i went to school. this as seemed to have worked and he got some black back on the tip of his nose up until about 3 days ago.


If you notice on the back of the nose there is a slight discoloration, it seems to be growing.

Does anyone have an idea what this could be? I plan to take him to the vet this weekend.


Thank you,



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Your earlier photos show none of this, so it's a recent thing.  You posted it in November, so sunburn seems unlikely.  If sunburn, it would've been in the summer.  My dogs spend a lot of time at higher elevations on snow with full sun in midsummer, no problem.  I'd guess something else.  A scrape on something sharp?  A chemical burn from something he was rooting in (why only on top of his nose)?   Wasp stings (Al got stung multiple times 2 weeks ago, no visible result)?  Spider bite or scorpion sting?  Some spider bites can necrotize tissue.  Anything like poison ivy, poison oak around?  Ringworm (which is actually a fungus)?  Could it be a simple heat burn, healing slowly?  Could a hot liquid have gotten splashed on his nose somehow?
it occured around early october. I live in Los Angeles so it gets pretty hot. He is 3 years old now and i find it odd for it to sudenly appear. it appeared to be a burn from the sun because in the early stages which sadly i didn't photograph there was scabs on the sides of the nostrils and bleeding. it looks much better in this recent picture, but i feel it might be moving up his snout.   

spider bite could be possible, there are quiet a few spiders in the backyard and he does like to stick his nose in places he shouldn't. lol  Would you know of anyways to contract ringworm?  i feel it is a heat burn, but after i gave him the medicine my vet gave him. the healing rate seemed to have drastically been reduced. i am just worried it could possibly be cancerous? if that is possible?

"Ringworm" was just a wild speculation.  Treatable fungus, I believe.

It does sorta look like a burn.  Consider chemical burns.  Could he have gotten into anything caustic, like lime (I heard once about football players getting chemical burns when the lines were accidentally marked with slaked lime instead of chalk)?  Why only on top of his nose, not all over his face?

Don't worry about cancer until you see the vet (I don't think cancer appears so suddenly).

You meant 'prednisone', corticosteroid anti-inflammatory -- topical ointment or tablet?  Would that be good or bad for a healing burn?

Is he in a fenced yard?  Think about how he might have encountered a heat or chemical burn.  Did he learn about hot barbecues the hard way?

It can't be a chemical burn, the backyard is very bare and the BBQ is in the garage. I can not think of any place he could stick his nose to to chemicals back there. I feel it is a sunburn, but just amazed that it spread so fast and without warning. it is just centralized on his nose. no other burns on his body. 

 yes prednisone. the tablet version. i got an extra batch and giving him a few to help the healing since it seems to "possibly" be spreading up the snout. i think it was good because i did see it heal up once using it.

yes the back is fenced...mostly concrete in the back with a few patches of grass.

I live in Yuma, AZ and during the summer we go to the river for 3 to 4 hours at a time. I get sun burned when I forget to put on sunscreen and of course, I forget to put it on Kiba on those days too so his nose gets red...also a little hard to put sunscreen on him when he licks it off right away or is already wet from sticking his face in the water. He doesn't have a fun black nose and he has allergies and is recovering from Demodex, so his nose was pretty bare. Even after a week of us getting sun burnt, his nose has never looked Nikon's.

how many applications of sunscreen do you use a day? His so cute! I want Nikon to have his black lil nose back. :(


i see that the pink can go up the nose, i just pray that this not happening to Nikon. 

Most corgis seem to have an irregular pale patch on their snout.  I've always been curious about that.  I've thought about putting sunscreen on it, but never have.

I don't think my dogs have ever had sunburn issues, despite some long days in hot sun on mountain snow, but I spoke with a white dog's owner who said her dog did get sunburned -- perhaps the white areas on dogs with thin coats are like pale blonde human skin.

Poor little guy! I haven't seen anything like that; please let us know what the vet says!

will take him tomorrow or saturday


Could it be mange?  I think this is a huge possibility if the spot is growing...
can that make his nose that pink?  I noticed the snout turning a brownish color on monday this week. i decided to watch it for the week. it seems to be slowly growing. actually let me go feed him and get a close up of his nose.

the green circle: he has had that since a baby, so dont mind that..but seems to now have connecetd to the BLUE circle both pink


the Blue circle: that is what i have noticed coming in since this monday.


you can also see the pink nose better and how it just seemed to heal a bit at the tip. :(




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