So my Miss Ellie has started throwing tantrums! Like a toddler! If she doesn't get her way or doesn't want to do something, she now throws herself on her back, rolls around and makes, loud frequent growling noises. This is bad but I actually have to try not to laugh as it is such....human...behaviour. So I'm curious to see if there are other pampered, over indulged, spoilt corgis out there who also like to throw tantrums when they get don't get their own way???

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This is not funny, I know but... I can't help laughing at the visual.

My dog Nimh does something perhaps a bit similar, though I don't see it as a tantrum.  If he's not getting the attention he feels he deserves (and he is an attention hound) he rolls on his back, squiggles around and makes grunty growly noises but with a happy panting face....I see it as more a "Hey, look at this cute can you not rub it???? C'mon, ya know ya wanna!".

Penny does the same thing!

This is what poopdeck does as well.  He'll be walking through the room, then he does a nose down shoulder rool that ends belly up and looking around to see who will be the one honored with scratching his belly.  Of course like anything else Corgi it is accompanied with lots of "talk".

It is my opinion that corgis are exactly like small children lol.  I even started a discussion about it last year!!


Mine doesn't throw a tantrum but I have one who will pout when she doesn't get her way or is mad at you for some reason.  You pick her up she will turn her head away from you no matter which way you turn her, she won't respond when you call her name. 

that is so funny!

chloe is our 4/5 month old puppy. she is still learning that she isn't always going to get what we are eating. when i'm eating and studying at the same time on my bed (she can't jump onto the bed yet) she sits and whines and barks and jumps up.  it's like she's saying feed me! she almost acts like she's never had food before in her whole life.

When Jack was an adolescent, if I tried to stop him from doing something he really wanted to do he would frap madly around in circles, then sit down and bark at me.  I'd just stand there, arms crossed, watching him and eventually he'd come over and sit by my feet.   Then I knew he'd gotten it out of his system and was ready to pay attention again. 


They are characters. 

Our Belle loves to have her ball thrown and she then brings it back and drops it at your feet.  If you don't pick it up and throw again fast enough she starts this huffing sound and maybe a small bark.

It's not a temper tantrum, it's a way the dog relieves excess nervous energy, or excitement that he cannot relieve in the way he would be wanting to in the moment.  Not growling (which is what dogs use to warn and can be followed by a bite) but the noises Corgis make which I heard some call Chewbacca noises.... here is the link:

Mine does it when he thinks I will let him outside. They are truly a funny breed!

Jack makes the full range of "Wookie noises" and also has what I call a "grumble."  It sounds like a growl (it does not sound like HIS growl, which I have rarely heard--- he's more likely to yap when he's angry) but it's more of a complaint than a warning.


Imagine my horror when he grumbled during his CGC/TDI test!   I quickly spluttered "That's a grumble, not a growl!" but luckily the tester knew Corgis and just laughed at his grumpy old man complaints. 


It generally conveys this emotion:



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