We have had Charlie for about 2 weeks and everything is going fine. The only concern is that whenever we ride in the car my fiance can feel his left hip pop when he shifts positions on her lap. Also when he walks sometimes he stumbles and trips. Is that something we should be concerned about? There is no noise that we can hear when it pops. He does not seem to be in pain. He climbs stairs, plays with other dogs, and runs fine. We have already contacted the vet but wanted a second opinion.

Thank you.

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I can feel Seanna's sometimes do that.  I know her hips are good since she had all that extensively XR'd when she tore her ACL.  What does her vet say?  And how old is she?

We have an appt. to see the vet. She will do an exam then and take xrays if necessary. Charlie is 3 months old as of the 15th.

I would definitely have him seen by a vet. They should be able to tell if the hip is really that loose.

I would go see the vet. Let us know what the doc says.

We have an appointment soon. Will keep everyone updated.

vet appt tomorrow. It was the soonest we could get anywhere around here.

glad charlie is going to the vet. This doesn't sound normal to me. Popping every once in a while may be normal but if it is catching and causing him to fall then that is not normal. Hopefully he is just at an awkward growth stage. Keep us posted!

It wasn't charlie's hip at all. It was his knee; he has a grade 1 luxating patella. 

so now what?

The vet said wait and see. There isn't really anything we can do until he gets older.


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