Hey everybody!  I am super super excited about the 365 day calendar, but it looks like Sam is having trouble getting enough photos.  Let's all help out and send in some more photos!!

Here's the link to Sam's discussion about photo qualifications.  Who wouldn't want their corgi in the calendar over and over and over again??!!!  Send in ALL your good photos today!!  We don't want Sam to have to resort to PLAN B!!!!



Okay folks, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now, thank you so much for submitting photos to MyCorgi.com, I have more than enough for the calendar now, so please give me sometime to sort them out.

Considering tomorrow is my B day, I will not be working on the project at all, so the earliest I can post a final list for the 365 is Friday. As far as printing goes, it should take about a month (1K-3K will be printed), so the 365 calendar will start with the month of March / April and end on 2013 March / April. 

Again, thank you for all the awesome photos, it’s been a joy to work on this project :)

Here are the finalists. I will post pre-order info end of this month. Thank you :)

(see page 14 of this discussion for the photo list)


Okay, all the photos went through the photoshop process, we've done some in photo home renovation / decluttering, clearing stray leaves, removed all commercial branded logos...etc. We are currently waiting on several commercial printer's feedback, once all the kinks have been worked out, I'll release the pre-ordering information, hopefully sometime next week.

Due to good business practice, we've decided to change "project 365" calendar dates to Jan - dec 2013  (not release date). I know this change will disappoints a lot of you (myself included), but our main objective for all project is to raise a good amount of funding for rescues. So in order to accomplish that goal, we need very good sales, and the result will determine if there will be another 365 project in the future. I sincerely apologize for the date shift, project 365 is still a go and it's happening. 

So what about those who missed the 12 month calendar and the 365 project? Have no fear, I will release the details for project "plan B" and project "edu" in the coming months. Project "Plan B" will have a launch date of xmas 2012, Project "edu" will have a tentative date of spring 2013. Stay Tuned!

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Just saw the post, I'm sure that I'm to late.  but can't wait till it comes togeather.



Just added some more pics - can't wait to see the calendar!!!

If you know anyone else who has a corgi, be sure to mention it to them as well!

I am thinking we should send a message to all our friends on my corgi...that should get more....I believe!

I tried that, I received not one reply from anyone lol :(

I had sent in a few more after I was contacted the first time by Sam.  I don't know if they were the right size or not.  Hope so.


Only 1 more day until Sam has to resort to plan B!!! Send in your photos fast!!!

Do we know how many more he needs?????

I just sent a message to 60 of my friends...

The upload "Here" is closed.  Do you have all you need?

You need to email them in....


put 365 calender on the subject line:)

Thank you everyone,  I can't use a lot of them because the file size is too small, keep them coming!


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