I was laying bed with Toby (7) and Lola (5) and thinking how lucky I am to have such sweet puppies to love. When Bob and I decided to look for a dog together we went to Humane Society but didnt see a dog we liked. I decided to browse the net and thats when I found Toby. It was love at first site. I looked at Bob and said, "This is our dog" We called Linda and her first question was "you know he is 7 yrs old" It didnt matter to us. He came for a home visit and laid at my feet. When it was time to go, Toby looked like"this is my home" He came to stay a couple weeks later. Cant imagine life without him We decided to become foster parents and Lola entered our life. She was a plain jane girl with a heart of gold. She blossomed with love and attention. Toby fell in love with her too. So now Lola is officially ours. Puppies are cute, but take time and energy that we dont have. Linda didnt think that Toby or Lola would ever be adopted because of their age etc. I am happy to give two wonderful dogs who had some rough times a happy forever home. We will take good care of them and hopefully enjoy many more good years with them.