Hi all! My mason is 1 year old an still is a little gangly looking. He's between 27-30 pounds and his chest seems to be growing. I know I've heard they fill out until up to 2 years...anybody know when to expect him to get that stocky look? Thanks! Oh, and will his head widen anymore? It's not narrow, but his ears are still HUUUGE!!!

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Ace must be related to Mason, because he is as well! He's also getting less leggy, but only because his legs are beefin' up! I make sure Mason grows slowly too--I've always heard it's bad to have them grow really fast (on their joints and stuff) so I've fed him an adult food from a really really young age.

Luke has put on 10+ lbs since he turned a year old. I thought he would end up small... :/  lol 

So much for that!

Wow! Maybe Mason will get bigger than I thought! I've seen how a lot of cardis are much bigger than him at 1 year, but if he puts on 10 pounds he'll be the right size hahaha

Yeah he might surprise you lol. Luke was stuck at 27 lbs for months and I thought he might not even make the standard weight, and then all of a sudden he started filling out like crazy. We just cut his food back a bit recently because he was looking a little tubby, so I'm hoping he's mostly done now! He'll be 2 in June and I bet he's close to 40 lbs these days.

WOW yeah, Mason's stuck around 27 as well! I feel like he's been there forever! Fingers crossed he sprouts out like Luke

My cardigans turned 2 in January & they are both just a little over 27 pounds. The boy is tall & skinny and the girl is short & a little thick. They get about 2 cups of food per day.


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