Does anyone have any advice or experiences to share about corgi shedding. Our Jinger sheds like crazy and I've been told that it's only going to get worse. We brush her before and after her baths with a special brush (Top Paw) that's supposed to remove the undercoat. There is hair everywhere! I feel like I'm vacuuming or picking up hair off the floor every day. After I hold her or play with her I have to use the lint roller on my entire body! Are there vitamins I can give her to help with this issue? 

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do you have a furminator?

No I was told to buy a different brush that is better at removing the undercoat. It removes a TON of hair, but she still sheds. I am familiar with the Furminator, but I wasn't sure if it would work well on the corgi thick/course hair. Does it work better for you?

be careful with the furminator, it can damage the coat if used improperly.  :( 

Oh, thanks. How would one use it improperly?

using it too much for one, and also when I used it I could hear the fur being pulled out.  :O   It can end up ruining their coat, I would rather put up with the fur.  :)

Wow, thanks for the info :)

You could try adding some fish oil to her food but honestly nothing is going to stop it. A professional grooming when she's blowing coat would probably help get rid of a lot of the loose hair.

Welcome to owning a corgi lol!!!  Thought you might find the following discussion amusing...

Definitely amusing. Thanks!

Yup sorry that is just a corgi perk :) I've found that vacuuming daily and brushing every 2-3 days keeps it under control! It's like a chronic corgi disease--no cure, but you can maintain the symptoms!

Welcome to Corgihood!  I use a rake on Seanna (you can get them at any petstore).  It gets the undercoat out great.  Even though I brush her out good once or twice a week, there is always hair everywhere.  On me, my food, the floor, the couch, the window, coming out my husband's's a losing battle.  They shed horribly.  But I like to say "what's a little bit of hair for a lot of love".  I also have a furminator, but quit using it after a while.  It really seemed like it was only cutting the top coat and not doing much in the way of the undercoat.  It also left her coat feeling really rough.  I'm not sure about vitamins..I know some people here use them, and can probably tell you of some that help.

You will get used to it.  Shed happens.

I've never used a Furminator, fearing it'll take out too much undercoat (we're Pacific Northwest, cool and wet, they need the coat).  I use a coarse steel Afro-type comb, maybe only once a month or two, and that's to prevent matting, not to suppress shedding.

I vacuum once a month, whether the place needs it or not.


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